prev: protel_about.htm -- next: PWB_libraries.htm updated 2006-04-20.
Here's the basic sequence of steps you go through when you work on a PWB (printed wiring board) using CAD design software. The details are Protel-oriented, since that's what I know, but most PWB CAD tools are similar.
If you have a Protel document that someone has already set up properly, it's easy to make minor changes to the PWB. The typical sequence goes like this:
If you don't have a Protel document that someone has already set up properly, it's up to you.
Generally starting from "scratch" you draw a schematic #start_schematic, simulate it (or manually prototype it on solderless breadboards), then lay it out #start_layout.
The default ERC matrix is pretty good. Most people change "Project | Project Options... | Connection Matrix" (was: ``Tools | ERC | Rule Matrix'') so that the entire ``Unconnected'' row and column is warnings and errors.
See ``input port'' for an explaination of why the input port row and column is identical to ``output pin''.
``The main change to the ERC matrix that I'd suggest over the default is to set the "Unconnected" row and column to either warning (yellow) [or error (red)] instead of No Report (green). This will require you to put a "No ERC" marker on any unconnected pins, but that seems like a good idea, anyway.
The other change I made was to make the "Unspecified Port" row and column all error (red), as I don't want to have ANY port unspecified. '' -- Dwight Harm Trax Softworks, Inc. 2001-06-12
If you already have a board designed using some other software, it's often quicker and more accurate to try to import those design files into Protel than to start from scratch. Check out the conversion tools .
When you're doing a new board "from scratch", the easiest way to start a new layout (assuming you already have a schematic):
In theory, the correct footprints for all your components should show up in a big pile to the right of the board. But I've never seen that happen perfectly the first time. While looking at the PWB, you'll need to "add" libraries of footprints. When you find the right shape in the footprint library, remember the name of that footprint, then flip back to the schematic. While looking at the schematic, you'll need to double-click the components and make sure the right footprint name is filled in each "footprint" box. Typically you change a few things and do step (4), change a few more things, repeat until all the footprints look right.
Then you'll want to set up "Design rules" for minimum hole size, minimum annular ring, etc. (... vias ...)
Draw 50 mil tracks on the keep-out layer, "continuous" (the start of one track snapping exactly to the end of the last track), centered on the board edge, completely around the board. (This forces tracks on the signal layers to stay at least 25 mil away from the board edge). Set up a design rule to force components to stay even further away from the edge.
Draw 60 mil tracks on the ground plane centered on the board edge, completely around the board. Do the same for every power plane. This makes the copper plane stop 30 mil way from the board edge. (If the planes run all the way to the edge, then they will be exposed after routing, and it would be very easy for them to short together). [FIXME: would it be better to run *only* the ground plane right up to the edge ?]
Here's some settings/preferences that seem to cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.
A1: "Design | Netlist Manager | Menu | Update Free Primitives From Component Pads" to fix the trace nets. Then run a DRC to find "real" shorts.
A2: -- Matthew van de Werken
[These assume that the component pads have already been assigned a net by loading a netlist with either
bug: this "[] Snap to center" text is unclear as to what it really does. It should be renamed "[ ] Use incorrect reference points". Why does it even exist ?
Q: Can Protel handle large boards ?
Protel can handle some huge boards. Size Of board 23.359 x 15.88 sq in 2600 components, 19,823 pads, 13,464 vias [FIXME: has this gone offline ?]
The mouse-wheel problem ... [FIXME]
A1: "View | Toolbars | Wiring tools" (" v b w ") "View | Toolbars | Drawing tools" (" v b d ")
A2: click "the down arrow just left of the File menu" and then "Customize | Toolbars". You can see which toolbars you have open. The "Menu | Edit" gives a few more options.
A1: They are error markers (ERC markers). Fix the error by properly wiring up the component. Then the next time you run "Tools | ERC | OK", they will all go away.
Q2: But I want to get rid of them all *now* ! (translation: ``I want to put a bandaid on the symptom, rather than fixing the root problem.'' )
A2: "Select all error markers with the global function and clear them." -- Joe Leonardy
non-A1: [missing feature] Unfortunately, "Tools | Reset Error Markers" is only available in the PCB layout editor, not in the schematic editor.
non-A2: [Bug] Run the ERC with "add error markers" NOT checked. Then they should be removed. [But they are still there. Bug ?]
(This is with the `` Edit | Export to Spread... '' function, available in both schematic and layout, not the `` Reports | Bill of material'' function. Some people use this spreadsheet and ``File | Update'' to make complicated modifications to the schematic or layout that would take much longer in any other way. )
Occasionally you have "parts" that you don't actually have to buy. For example, connectors that are only needed on the prototype board, left off of production boards. Or fiducuals and RF "components" that are really just patterns in the copper. Since my purchasing agent panics when a part is mentioned on the silkscreen but gets left off their BOMs, I put "(unstuffed)" or "(unused)" or "prototype only" or something similar to reassure him that this is a complete BOM and we aren't forgetting some crucial component.
``We put 'DNP' into the part field when we wish not to stuff a part... it stands for "Do Not Populate"... :) '' -- Bill Brooks 2001-02-12
A: (1) Place one backslash character at the very start of the string. (Selecting this option means that *all* of the following characters have a bar above them, so you have to continue using the older method for something like RD/W\R\.) [-- Geoff Harland.] Make sure the option is enabled. Go to Tools->Preferences->Graphical Editing, and check the box that says (funnily enough) "Single '\' Negation". [-- MvdW Matt van de Werken on 2000-08-21 ]
At 08:00 PM 7/26/00 -0400, Roger wrote: >One of the "golden rules" that I was taught in the military environment >(60's) was to never allow a 4-way junction. the rational being that blue >print machines (ammonia) could drop the junctions and you would not be >able to tell if there should be a junction. The rule is a sound one, and the reason is not limited to the characteristics of diazo copying. Using four-way junctions appears to match one of the drawing conventions, which is that a four-way "junction" is not a junction, it is one wire crossing another. In that convention, junctions are *always* two-way or three-way. It's a good drawing habit. Under these conventions, a three-way junction is a connection, period. Tie dots, if any, are redundant. ... one should *never* draw a wire across a pin end unless one wants to connect to that pin. ... autojunction will prevent drawing errors that would produce a confusing drawing; i.e., a three-way junction with no tie dot. And it saves time. ... (Copying or moving blocks around, it can be a good idea to turn off autojunction....) Abdulrahman Lomax P.O. Box 690 El Verano, CA 95433
" I also find it useful to set the pin colour to black and the wire colour to a lightish blue. It is easy to see where pins end and wires begin." -- Ian Wilson
When you do a large design, it's worth your time to learn about global operations. ``global operations ... the single greatest feature of Protel ... very powerful and well worth spending a day to understand.'' -- Ian Wilson. You'll find them very useful in both the schematic editor and the PWB layout editor.
With large schematic designs, it helps reduce clutter to use busses and hierarchy. If you have several sections that are almost identical (say, independent filters and amplifiers for Left and Right stereo channels), it's helpful to put the duplicated stuff on one sheet (``one channel''), and include 2 copies of the sheet symbol on the top-level schematic page. Then any changes you make on that page of the schematic are automatically made to both channels of the PWB.
[For the purpose of making connections between sheets,] ``Bus labels/names are in the format P[0..15], which includes the nets P0 through to P15 (please note the square brackets and the two dots). No other naming convention is accepted. . You cannot group/bus nets with names such as "clk", "data", "strobe", etc. You cannot assign a bus a name such as "i2c".'' -- Brendon Slade on 2001-01-03 [It's fine to name a bus "i2c" on a single sheet, and attach wires net-labeled "clk", "data", etc. to it.]
``I've used (and liked!) the hierarchical sheet support, with "Sheet Symbol/Port Connections" selected for netlists, synch, and ERC. ... [If] I set "Net labels and ports global", my sheet entries that were connected on a top-level schematic page no longer appear connected, unless the port names are identical. Essentially, any wiring between sheets at the top-level is now meaningless -- it has no effect on the netlist.'' -- Dwight Harm 2001-01-02
``global is evil, as I often want to use a sheet several times in a design...'' -- Dwight Harm 2001-01-02
Dwight Harm 2001-01-03 :
Here's some bugs associated with ``Tools | ERC | Setup | Sheets to Netlist: Active sheet | OK'':
Workaround: Use ``Tools | ERC | Setup | Sheets to Netlist: Active project | OK''. Then ERC ignores the lines in the ERC rule matrix involving ``input port'' and ``output port''. Then ERC ignores whether a port is set to ``input'' or ``output''. Instead, ERC uses the ports to discover what is really (on some other page) connected to the devices on this page, and gives the correct warning.
[This is a bug in Protel; until it is fixed, here are some work-arounds]
A1: /* was */ a free addon for Protel 99SE. If you have a multi-sheet design, it adds text to each port documenting "To which other sheets does that port connect ?". "Reports | Add Port References"
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax on 2001-03-15 03:05:40 PM To: "Protel EDA Forum" Subject: Re: [PEDA] Protel Port/Hierarchy Checker Program Available At 12:39 PM 3/12/01 -0800, Mike Coward wrote: > > We had lots of problems here in our hierarchical designs with having our >ports not match on sheets and their sheet symbol. The Protel ERC couldn't >seem to detect the two most important cases: ports with no matching sheet >symbol entry, and a sheet symbol entry with no matching port. (If the ERC >can be configured to do this, please let me know - I tried for days). I put >together a Perl program to scan the design and find the errors, and I'd be >happy to make it available to anyone who wants it. This program has been uploaded to the filespace for, zipped with documentation as It is written in Perl; a URL for obtaining a Perl interpreter is given in the readme file. Thanks to Mr. Coward for providing this utility. Abd ul-Rahman Lomax LOMAX DESIGN ASSOCIATES PCB design, consulting, and training Protel EDA brokering (resale) services Sonoma, California, USA (707) 939-7021, efax (419) 730-4777 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
(schematic library design tips for making new symbols.)
If you want a symbol that's not already in the schematic symbol libraries , then you must make it yourself in your own library.
In an ideal world, layout would consist of
In reality (as of 1999), one usually does
(1) setting up: drawing the outline of the board, marking and locking mechanical areas. (1b) "Design Options Options" and pick reasonable grid values (25 mil grid was popular with all-through-hole boards; 10 mil grid (exactly 0.254 mm) seems to be popular with surface-mount boards) (2) place components with auto-place (3) laugh at the stupidity of today's computers (4) Manually group components by going to the schematic, selecting a related group of components, doing "Tools | Select PCB components", and moving each group near the final position, using human intuition to place each group. (5) Use human intuition to shuffle the components of each group. If each group can be packed into a small rectangle (a "room"), and there is enough room on the board to place every rectangle ("room") without overlapping, then that makes things easier. (6) route "critical nets" and lock them down (7) auto-route iterate: (8) move component(s) to make more room in congested areas (9) Put in traces you just made more room for (10) re-connect component(s) you just moved (11) Do DRC until everything's wonderful.
The next step after Layout is creating the CAM files to go to manufacturing.
setting up: drawing the outline of the board, marking and locking mechanical areas.
Draw (typically on layer Mech 2) the outline of the board, where all the mounting screws go, and where mechanical constraints are. Leave that layer on while placing components so you know what to work around.
(slots, "rectangular holes", concave boards, ...)
"Hamid A. Wasti" on 2001-02-12 wrote:
Subject: Re: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: Rectangle holes
Brad Velander wrote:
> a typical shop might have a 32mil diameter > router as their smallest size > router bit and therefore your corners will have a 16mil radius.It is a bad idea to use an inside radius same as your router bit radius. This requires the router to come to a complete stop and then start moving at 90 degrees. There will invariably be some chatter and the router will cut into the sides. It is better to make a minimum radius larger than the router radius so the cut is programmed as an arc which will give a lot better results.
Many people put layer stack-up text (also called a ``layer name block'') in some unused corner of the PWB: (see ../pwb_layers.htm )
I always create a "layer stack-up window" on each copper layer of the PCB. (i.e. The top will have a "1", the next layer a "2" etc.) For a 6 layer board you will see a strip of numbers 123456. Leave the solder mask off the top & bottom around this strip. That way you can hold the "window" up to the light & confirm that they actually built the stack-up you requested, and you don't need to cut up a test coupon. You have to remember to "draw" the numbers as negatives for the plane layers, because you are actually drawing non-copper. Remember to leave copper off all layers around this window, so the board is somewhat transparent.
-- Mark Geddes
Dennis Saputelli put his version online:
Ian Wilson further explains:
So in words: If I have layer 3 as a negative plane layer, I will simply have a numeral "3" on the layer. To the left I will have a small fill, just large enough to remove copper under the numerals "1" and "2" and to the right I will have another fill, just large enough to remove the copper under "4", "5" and "6" (for example). ... Obviously this changes depending upon number of layers and plane distribution. An automatic, Protel-generated, graphic would be useful. ... So each signal layer has just a simple numeral. Each plane layer has the numeral and two fills, one on each side, that allows light to shine through to the board. Sample showing this is available from egroups file store:
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax continues:
I put down, on, say, the fabrication layer, a series of numbers from 1 up to the number of layers. I draw a box around this, using a small track size. This box is on a fabrication layer. I edit each number so that it is on the appropriate layer. On negative layers, I place 50 mil track to fill in all but an area over the number of that layer. ... Since I typically use a 50 mil track to keep negative layers clear from the board edge, that size is available ... The blowouts that are visible through the board, with the plane layer numbers between them, leave an hour-glass type of shape instead of a rectangular box, but this is harmless.
Once you've sketched the outline of the board, it's time to place components.
Some people use ``Rooms'' to help put related components in the same general area (digital stuff here, analog stuff there). If you break your schematic into several pages, this automatically happens. If you just have one big schematic, `` Select the components one desires to associate with a room. Design/Classes/Component/Add/Class_Generator/Selection/True and create a class of the selected components. Then assign that class to the room. '' -- Abdulrahman Lomax (2001-04-09)
One under-appreciated ``component'' is the ``virtual short'', also known as a ``star point'' which can be used as a ``star ground''.
Subject: Re: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: Text in negative space we do need an active archive for this list, since this question was just discussed to death.... At 10:11 AM 8/31/00 -0700, Eric Albach wrote: >Hi, > I have a problem getting rid of text stuck in negative space on > Protel >99SE 5. I have tried to Select Outside the board area and then Clear but that >only deletes items in positive space. Is there a way I can do this? > How can I prevent this in the future? I don't even know what causes >things to end up in negative space. Place an object such as a pad or piece of text in the workspace, preferably toward the edge of the workspace nearest to the problem text. Select all primitives outside the board area -- including any other material you want to keep -- [ Select them by EDA (Edit/Select/All) and then use EEI (Edit/Deselect/Inside) to everything inside the board area. Alternatively, use "Edit->Select->OutsideArea". ] and also select the pad or text or whatever that you placed [with shift-click]. When you pick up the pad, all selected primitives will move with it and you can move them into the workspace, where they can be deleted. In rare cases it may take more than one step to get the material into the workspace. You can tell where the material is by the box that displays when picking up selected material and moving it. This box will include all selections, including those outside the workspace. How does it happen that material ends up outside the workspace (this includes positive coordinates greater than 100 inchs, not just negative coordinates)? In quite a similar way as to how one brings the material back in. One has left something selected and then, perhaps while working somewhere else on the board, one moves selected material and does not notice that the selection box goes off-screen. To prevent this, always clear out all selections before selecting new material for movement. Others have given suggestions as to how to do this. I use something a little different. As a touch typist, E-E-A (Edit dEselect All) is faster for me to type than X-A (deselect All). Both of these will clear all selections; and both of these are faster -- for me -- than finding and pressing a single function key, plus it is not necessary to go to the trouble of assigning X-A to the function key. The hand is quicker than the eye, and I've been typing for over forty years, whereas I have never learned to press function keys without looking. Abdulrahman Lomax P.O. Box 690 El Verano, CA 95433
the most clear-cut easy solution: De-select all (X-A) Select outside (E-S-O), then draw the box around your work to be un-affected Move Selection (M-S), this allows you to move the selection (what is outside the workspace) relative to your first click, without having to place and selecting an object IN the workspace!-- Bruce Walter on 2001-03-23
A3: Sometimes when you update a PCB from the schematic, new components are (by default) placed in the top right corner of the working space -- far, far away from the board. Brad Velander (at Northern Airborne Technology 2006-04-13) suggests placing the board outline on the Keepout Layer first. Then when you update a PCB from the schematic, new defaults are (by default) placed immediately to the right of the board outline.
Q: "I'm designing a board with four amplifier channels. I have a layout that I like and would like the same layout for each channel. What is the best method for doing this ?" -- Roy Frazier
Select the block and copy it 3 times, then select each one, and use a global edit to replace all part designators with some systematic change, such as replace C101 with C201... C401 like this {C1=C2} and {R1=R2} and {U1=U2} etc. I haven't found a really cute way to do this, although originally naming all parts something like CZ01,CZ02...CZnn, and RZ01,RZ02...RZnn, etc. would make the replace much easier, as {Z=1}, {Z=2}...{Z=4}.
Duplicate the schematic section 3 times [can't you just put one section on a schematic sheet, then refer to that sheet 4 times on the main schematic sheet ?], rename the nets and components with global edits, update the board from the schematic.
"Design | Netlist Manager | Menu | Update Free Primitives From Component Pads"to fix the trace nets.
Now, the board should check against the schematic nets without errors.
-- Jon Elson 2000-12-15
You will probably find the QualEcad add-in tool useful also. It will automatically generate new designators for selected sections of layout that you have copied. Find it at:
-- Tim Hutcheson 2000-12-15
If the footprint you want isn't already in the libraries , then you'll have to make your own footprint.
See Footprint Library design tips for details.
Watch out if you use any copper *tracks* embedded in components. If you run the autorouter on a board with a Protel Sot-89 footprint (or other footprints with embedded tracks) , often the autorouter deletes the "trace" part of the footprint. You then need to refresh the footprint. [Has this bug been fixed ?]
Work-around 1: To stop the auto-router using the space freed by deleting your track you can protect the area with layer-specific keepout tracks and fills. -- Ian Wilson
Work-around 2: make sure those track segments are part of a trace that is terminated at both ends by a pad or via.
Under "Design | Rules... | Routing | Routing Layers" there should be one rule. Select it and hit "Properties...". I set the top signal layer to "horizontal", the bottom signal layer to "vertical", before running the autorouter. On some boards setting the top to "vertical", and the bottom to "horizontal", then the autorouter worked better. One might think that giving this autorouter the freedom to choose "Any" would help. When I tried this, it always made a tangled mess.
I've never seen the autorouter complete a board the first time. Usually it's because I put a few components so close together and given the router such difficult constraints, that there is no room to get all those nets routed without some constraint violation.
When the software realizes that it's impossible to complete with the constraints you gave it, it "finishes" with lots of unrouted nets, and sometimes traces that clearly violate your given constraints. If it's really ugly, hit undo (ALT+BackSpace). If it's not too bad, you can leave the traces it put down, and that gives it a starting point to start next time -- faster than starting from scratch.
Find where the routing congestion is, and manually scoot the components in that area further apart (so there's more room for wires between them). Then start the autorouter again.
It can help guide the autorouter to manually route some traces and lock them down. Sometimes manually routing a trace, then running "Tools | Design Rule Check... | Run DRC" helps you find overly-conservative design rule constraints that make it impossible to route a board.
It's really helpful if there are *no* DRC errors before starting the autorouter.
The Multilayer should contain *only* and *all* through-hole pads and vias. Anything else (tracks, text, etc) on the multilayer confuses the autorouter.
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I have been using P98/SP3 since it first came out. I had some problems similar to yours when I first started using it, then I developed a check list of what to do (and not do) and have had no problems. Several of these are in Protel's Knowledge Base (Item 1694); however, these are what I have found to be effective.
- 1) Board Outline (optional) on Mech 1 (Protel says not to place anything on the mechanical layers, but I cheat)
- 2) Define the exterior limits of the route area on the Keep Out layer with coincident endpoints on all line segments such that the area is completely enclosed and DO NOT use any arcs.
- 3) Define the layer routing usage and directions in the Rules/Routing Layer dialog.
- 4) Check for invalid net names (no hyphens, spaces), stick to using alphanumeric.
- 5) Check that net names are less than 10 characters.
- 6) Check that pad designator names are no more than 4 characters.
- 7) Check that all parts are inside the defined Keep Out region.
- 8) Do not place polygons prior to routing.
- 9) Avoid placing free text prior to routing.
- 10) Do not place tracks outside the keep out region.
- 11) Do a DRC prior to routing to make sure there are no shorts, clearance or trace width violations.
- 12) Any signals to be pre routed must be totally routed and locked prior to starting the autorouter.
I do Item 1 and 2 since I "never" have a board where the keep out is defined by the actual board edge. If I need a rounded keep out region, I use several short line segments. Several people have commented that they save all mechanical layer information to a separate file and restore it after routing. I don't unless I have routing problems.
Item 7 is extremely important, if I am trying to test route a section, I delete the components not being routed rather than try moving them outside the keep out region. Also beware the object that got moved outside the visible region due to not deselecting it prior to selecting and moving another object!
Item 8 came about when I had a special polygon on the top outline layer even though it was not to affect routing or vias. Removing it allowed the route to proceed normally.
Regarding Item 11, the autorouter will use the maximum width specified for traces, which can be a problem if that trace connects to fine pitch components.
NOTE: using the circuit board wizard violates these guidelines if you plan on autorouting.
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Several of the above items should no longer be required (according to the NEW release information); however, it is a good starting point such that any deviations should be well understood...
-- David W. Gulley on 2001-03-28
``To make a circular board you would create the keepout circle(arc) and then surround it with a rectangle so it will work. The router will stay within the circle, but requires the rectangle to initialize.'' -- Colby Siemer
Q: I've done all the above, and my board *still* refuses to auto-route !
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax on 2001-03-28 03:56:11 PMFor systematic troubleshooting, there is a generic process I call chunking. Take the design and divide it into two parts, each approximately half of the design. You can do this on the PCB, since nets are carried by the pads. Delete the parts in one half (obviously you are doing this with a copy of your design so you can completely screw it up without losing anything). If the autorouter now runs, the problem is probably in the half you deleted. By extending and following this process recursively, you may be able to find, in a few operations, exactly what part or primitive is causing difficulties.
Obviously, if you change something and it now routes, what you changed almost certainly contains the problem.
A2: We're still tracking down some obscure bugs. If you can reduce the board down to a couple of parts that refuse to auto-route, please let us look at it. email one copy to Protel's tech support, and send another copy to a volunteer on the PEDA mailing list. (To get the absolute fastest response, post it on a web page, then email that page's URI to the entire PEDA mailing list).
manual routing
Sometimes the autorouter gives a ``net routed 99.8%'' message, leaving just a few traces for you to manually route. Normally doing a DRC helps you jump right to the problem [FIXME: step-by-step explaination ?], except when the net goes all over the board like GND or +3V and there's a unconnected island somewhere.
Q: How do I find the unconnected island ?
``My usual approach is to turn
off all layers except the Connection layer, leaving just one of the Mech
layers turned on to keep from forcing TopLayer on. Zoom out to see the whole
board, and you should be able to see the connection, though it's probably
very short, just trying to connect pads on opposite sides of the board or
similar. Place the cursor on the spot, zoom in to an appropriate level, and
then turn the copper layers back on to see what's what. This technique has
always enabled me to find the missing connection. It's usually one which I
thought was connected!
-- Steve Hendrix
``Also it may help to turn off any displayed grid.''
-- Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
Q. I just placed some vias and free pads. Why won't Protel let me route traces to them ?
A. Protel normally won't allow you to make the mistake of shorting 2 different nets together. Vias and free pads default to a net property of "No Net".
When I'm placing a track:
P T click, click, click, click
Each click of the mouse drops a new segment of track. I try to start routing from something that already has a net. Then I *can* route to a "No Net" via or track by getting close and momentarily turning off "Avoid Obstacle":
click, click, shift+R shift+R click, click, shift+R click, click, click ... click Esc Esc.
(It takes at least 2 clicks to place a segment "into" and then "out of" the "No Net" via). Note that I do *not* have to escape out of place-track mode to switch to "Ignore Obstacle" and re-start.
While placing track, the shift+R cycles through "Avoid Obstacle" (my favorite default), "Push Obstacle", and "Ignore Obstacle" modes. The current mode is displayed in the status bar. You might find "Push Obstacle" helpful in tightening up busses.
Later I do a "Design | Netlist Manager | Menu | Update Free Primitives From Component Pads" which changes the net of those "No Net" pads and traces to the net to which I just connected them, to make DRC happy. That update seems very slow on large boards -- be patient. -- David Cary
Q: How do I do "Auto Hugging" ? Auto Hugging is ... ... ???
A: Did you know that you can auto-push other traces out of the way while laying out a trace ? Start placing a track:
P T click, click
then hit shift-R until the status bar says "Push Obstacle". Then keep laying track close to, even on top of, traces from other nets. Cool, Eh ?
Remember to hit shift-R to get back to "Avoid Obstacle" when you're done. Also, be sure to run a DRC check before releasing this board, because "Push Obstacle" occasionally doesn't push the other tracks far enough away. (bug/enhancement request: handle placing vias better).
Q: How do I change the color of the Connections layer ? "Tools | Preferences... | Colors", click on the color patch next to "Connections", doesn't seem to do anything.
A: I hope Protel fixes this in the next rev. Meanwhile, While looking at the PCB, under the "Browse PCB" tab at the left side, select "Nets | Edit... | Global", change the color, "OK". (BTW, it's fun to click on the net names in that list). [FIXME: was at was . Did that dissapear ? Is relevant ? ]
"Unfortunately the setting is not maintained as application preference after FILE--->Exit." -- Richard Pikacz on 2000-08-24.
Some people like to place polygons first, before placing any components, then use the "plow through" setting. Others like to hold off until the board is mostly routed, so it's obvious where polygons should go.
Q: How do I punch a hole (no copper) in the middle of a polygon (solid copper) ?
A1: Draw tracks on the keep-out layer (punches holes in every layer) or draw tracks with the keep-out property on same layer as the polygon.
A2: ``What I do is use a 0.1 mil track to draw features that keep the polygon pour out of select areas. They have a no-net attribute, and conform to existing design rule clearances. During fab, they probably get over-etched into oblivion, but even if they don't, the design rules should have kept them from causing any problems. These tracks can then be left to be persistent, and no worries of having to delete, move, or re-create features every time you need to re-pour or DRC check.'' -- Bruce Walter
Then re-flow the polygons (double-click the polygon, OK, Yes).
(This is different for a #power_plane )
From: Duane Foster Date: 2000-08-01 > Once I tried checking 'remove dead copper' and > the area where > the pour should be briefly flashed but no filled polygon remained. Danger Danger Danger That polygon which disappeared is still there. When you pour another polygon on top of it, Protel really bogs down. There is a tech note on finding hidden polygons and removing them. The best course is to delete it when you realize when you have created a hidden polygon (since you just placed it, you should be able to find it, select and delete it, even though you cannot see it) (You can also revert to a saved copy if you have saved before pouring) This little nuance wrecked my first day with Protel98, new users always gravitate towards those trouble spots! Duane Foster
Placing Polygons: Many early PWB designs used the "cherry pie lattice" (hatched) for large copper polygons, using something like a 12 mil track, 24 mil grid. This is because early solder mask didn't stick well to metal, so the array of little square holes in the metal let the solder mask stick to the board better.
Current design practice uses completely solid areas of metal -- for example, 12 mil track, 0 mil grid [*], and 12 mil minimum primitive. [*] "Grid zero causes Protel to pour the grid with tracks exactly next to each other." -- Abdulrahman Lomax
More on the "cherry pie lattice":
Anything built for *true* RF shielding is going to be solid coppper - and not some sort of 'pattern' that allows a small amount to leakage to occur from one side to the other ...-- Jim 2002\12\08 piclist
I think I found the reason! From the last page of Henry Ott's paper on using "the toner technique":
Laser printers really don't want to print large areas of black. Hold the output of a test sheet up to the light and you will see that the black is not black at all but actually gray. The toner transfer system faithfully transfers this non-solid toner to the copper, and when you etch you get some pitting.. On really humid days this problem seems to get even worse. I get around this by not having solid ground planes, instead using a hatch pattern for the plane. If anybody else has experienced this problem and has a solution, I'd love to hear about it.-- Jim 2002\12\08 piclist
More modern laser printers don't have a problem with large black areas (at least my HP LJ4s, 5, & 6's don't).-- Robert Rolf 2002\12\08 piclist
Sometimes polygons are just in the way. There are several ways to temporarily get them out of the way:
You usually don't want to Cut and Paste polygons -- the net of the cut polygon is forgotten, and the pasted polygon is "No Net".
"You can never know too many ways of doing something." -- Pat Nystrom
Q: Is there a way to re-pour ALL polygon planes without double-clicking on each one, forcing a re-pour ?
A1: Jason Morgan [mailto:jason.morgan at] Tuesday, June 05, 2001 2:17 AM created a Server to re-pour all polygons. Ian Wilson put Jason's server online for free download at .
A2: select | all, move everything 1000 mil up, then select | all, move everything 1000 mil back down. Say ``yes'' to repour polygons.
Q: How do I punch a hole (no copper) in the middle of a plane (solid copper) ?
A1: Protel automatically does the Right Thing for vias and through-holes that don't connect to that plane.
A2: flip to the appropriate power plane layer (use the tabs near the bottom of the screen), then place track, fills, even polygons in the exact shape of the desired hole. (This is different for #polygons )
Connections to power planes:
Never put "thermal relief" on a via. Always make vias "direct connect" to any polygons or power planes of the same net.[*]
Q: How do I do this ? -- Tom Reineking
Protel does this properly by default for polygons when "Pour over same net" is enabled for that polygon. (The "Design | Rules | Manufacturing | polygon connect style" only applies to "pads".)
Protel does not (yet) do this properly by default for power planes. You must set up rules under "Design | Rules | Manufacturing | power plane connect style" for proper power plane connections. I have 2 rules set up here:
-- Michael Beavis and Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
Don't forget some of the clearance rules, and the polygon rules, will restrict the amount of copper poured. This could result in a pad or via that doesn't connect to the pour.
[*] If you *don't* want it to connect, then make it a different net in the schematic, perhaps using the "virtual short" component.
If you *do* want a thermal relief, make it a "pad", not a "via". Select the vias and do Tools|Convert|Convert selected vias to free pads. -- Andy Gulliver
Then update the design rule for relief polygon connection to those pads. [bug: There appears to be a design rule for relief polygon connections for vias. But it doesn't do anything -- they are always direct-connect].
The spokes of "thermal relief" are only used for holes where through-hole components mount. ``Why anyone would want to thermally relieve a via is beyond me.'' -- Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
[bug: there *should* be an "Object Kind" entry in the drop down list of the "Filter Kind" combo box -- Geoff Harland]
[bug: Protel *should* do this properly by default for power planes, just like it already does for polygon planes. ]
[bug: if you pour a polygon over a via, with "pour over same net" turned off, the via will not connect to the polygon. The DRC (Un-Routed Net Constraints) will not detect this unconnected via, even if I route a (GND) track to it! Workaround / Moral: *always* turn on "pour over same net".]
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