LISTSERV(R) System Reference Library, release 1.8c
Copyright L-Soft international, 1986-1996
Last update: 13 Aug 1996
* *
* LISTSERV command reference cards: *
* *
*-> LISTSERV REFCARD: General user commands *
* LISTOWNR REFCARD: List and file management commands *
* LISTMAST REFCARD: Commands for the LISTSERV maintainer *
* *
Commands are listed in alphabetical order, with the minimum acceptable
abbreviation in capital letters. Angle brackets are used to indicate
optional parameters. All commands which return a file accept an optional
'F=fformat' keyword (without the quotes) that lets you select the format
in which you want the file sent; the default format is normally
appropriate in all cases. Some esoteric, historical or seldom-used
commands and options have been omitted.
List subscription commands (from most to least important)
SUBscribe listname Subscribe to a list, or change
your name if already subscribed
ANONYMOUS -> Subscribe anonymously
SIGNOFF Remove yourself:
listname - From the specified list
* - From all lists on that server
* (NETWIDE - From all lists in the network
SET listname options Alter your subscription options:
ACK/NOACK/MSGack -> Acknowledgements for postings
CONCEAL/NOCONCEAL -> Hide yourself from REVIEW
Mail/NOMail -> Toggle receipt of mail
MIME/NOMIME -> Prefer/avoid MIME format
(especially MIME digests)
DIGests/INDex/NODIGests/NOINDex -> Ask for digests or message
indexes rather than getting
messages as they are posted
REPro/NOREPro -> Copy of your own postings?
TOPICS: ALL -> Select topics you are
<+/->topicname subscribed to (add/remove
one or replace entire list)
Options for mail headers of incoming postings (choose one):
FULLhdr or FULL822 -> "Full" (normal) mail headers
IETFhdr -> Internet-style headers
SHORThdr or SHORT822 -> Short headers
DUALhdr -> Dual headers, useful with PC
or Mac mail programs
SUBJecthdr -> Normal header with list name
in subject line
CONFIRM listname1 > Confirm your subscription
(when LISTSERV requests it)
Other list-related commands
GETPOST listname ref1 > Order individual messages from
list archives
INDex listname Sends a directory of available
archive files for the list, if
postings are archived
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