title "LcdTerminal 16F873 or 16F628" ; ; ; Hardware Notes: ; 20 MHz osc 115200 baud ; ; Ted Rossin: 04-13-2003 ; 06-05-2003 ; ************************************************ ; ** ** ; ** Special characters: ** ; ** 0x01 Home ** ; ** 0x08 Back space ** ; ** 0x09 Tab ** ; ** 0x0a Line feed ^J ** ; ** 0x0c Form feed (Clear display) ** ; ** 0x0d Carriage return ^M ** ; ** 0x10 Move to X,Y (X and Y are the ** ; ** next two characters ** ; ** 0x1b Escape ** ; ** 0x00 Disable cursor ** ; ** 0x01 Enable underscore cursor ** ; ** 0x02 Enable block cursor ** ; ** 0x03 Scroll display left ** ; ** 0x04 Scroll display right ** ; ** 0x05 Enable Display ** ; ** 0x06 Disable Display ** ; ** 0x07 Raw LCD controller command ** ; ** 0x08 Disable vertical scroll ** ; ** 0x09 Enable vertical scroll(default)** ; ** 0x10 Write Custom character 0 ** ; ** Next 8 bytes form character ** ; ** 0x11 Write Custom character 1 ** ; ** Next 8 bytes form character ** ; ** 0x12 Write Custom character 2 ** ; ** Next 8 bytes form character ** ; ** 0x13 Write Custom character 3 ** ; ** Next 8 bytes form character ** ; ** 0x14 Write Custom character 4 ** ; ** Next 8 bytes form character ** ; ** 0x15 Write Custom character 5 ** ; ** Next 8 bytes form character ** ; ** 0x16 Write Custom character 6 ** ; ** Next 8 bytes form character ** ; ** 0x17 Write Custom character 7 ** ; ** Next 8 bytes form character ** ; ** 0x80 Display custom character 0 ** ; ** 0x81 Display custom character 1 ** ; ** 0x82 Display custom character 2 ** ; ** 0x83 Display custom character 3 ** ; ** 0x84 Display custom character 4 ** ; ** 0x85 Display custom character 5 ** ; ** 0x86 Display custom character 6 ** ; ** 0x87 Display custom character 7 ** ; ** ** ; ************************************************ LIST R=DEC ; Used for development #ifdef __16F873 #include "p16f873.inc" #define LCD_RS PORTC,2 #define LCD_E PORTC,3 #define BAUD_SELECT PORTC,4 __CONFIG _CP_OFF & _DEBUG_OFF & _HS_OSC & _PWRTE_ON & _WDT_OFF & _LVP_OFF & _WRT_ENABLE_ON & _BODEN_ON & _CPD_OFF #endif ; Used for product #ifdef __16F628 #include "P16f628.inc" #define LCD_RS PORTA,2 #define LCD_E PORTA,3 #define BAUD_SELECT PORTA,5 #define _CPD_OFF 0x3fff ; Missing define #define _CPD_ON 0x3eff ; Missing define __CONFIG _HS_OSC & _CP_OFF & _CPD_OFF & _LVP_OFF & _BODEN_OFF & _MCLRE_OFF & _PWRTE_ON & _WDT_OFF #endif #define PRESCALE_TIMER_MODE 0xD0 #define PRESCALE_VALUE (PRESCALE_TIMER_MODE | 0x8) ; Set prescaler to 1/1 #define TERM_HOME 0x01 ; SOH #define TERM_BS 0x08 ; BS #define TERM_TAB 0x09 ; HTAB #define TERM_LF 0x0a ; LF (Line feed) ^J #define TERM_CLEAR 0x0c ; FF #define TERM_CR 0x0d ; CR (Carriage return) ^M #define TERM_POS 0x10 ; Move to X,Y #define TERM_ESC 0x1b ; More fun ahead #define ESC_DISABLE_CURSOR 0x00 #define ESC_ENABLE_UNDER_CURSOR 0x01 #define ESC_ENABLE_BLOCK_CURSOR 0x02 #define ESC_SCROLL_LEFT 0x03 #define ESC_SCROLL_RIGHT 0x04 #define ESC_ENABLE_DISPLAY 0x05 #define ESC_DISABLE_DISPLAY 0x06 #define ESC_RAW_COMMAND 0x07 #define ESC_DISABLE_VERT_SCROLL 0x08 #define ESC_ENABLE_VERT_SCROLL 0x09 #define ESC_WRITE_CUSTOM 0x10 #define DISPLAY_CUSTOM_MASK 0xf8 #define DISPLAY_CUSTOM_VALUE 0x80 #define STATE_NORMAL 0 #define STATE_WAIT_X 1 #define STATE_WAIT_Y 2 #define STATE_WAIT_COMMAND 3 #define FLAGS_DISABLE_VERT_SCROLL 0 ; RAM #define FIFO_START 0xA0 #define FIFO_END 0xEF #define REG_START 0x020 cblock REG_START _w, _status, _fsr ; Context Register Save Values Amount DelayL,DelayH LcdX,LcdY Tmp,Tmp2 Loop1 Count State Flags LastRS232Byte CgRamAddr Param:2 ; Parameters ; Input FIFO Empty FifoWritePtr FifoReadPtr ; Scroll buffer ScrollBuffer1:20 ScrollBuffer2:20 ScrollBuffer3:20 endc org 0 Startup: nop nop nop goto Main ; ************************************************ ; ** ** ; ** Interrupt handler ** ; ** ** ; ************************************************ org 4 Int: movwf _w ; Save Context Registers movf STATUS, w ; - Assume TMR0 is the only enabled Interrupt movwf _status movf FSR,w movwf _fsr bcf PIR1,RCIF ; Clear the recieved data flag ; Write byte to FIFO to full check movf FifoWritePtr,w movwf FSR movf RCREG,w movwf INDF bcf Empty,0 ; Clear the empty flag incf FifoWritePtr,f movf FifoWritePtr,w sublw FIFO_END btfss STATUS,Z ; Skip if need to wrap write pointer goto IntEnd movlw FIFO_START movwf FifoWritePtr IntEnd: movf _fsr,w ; Restore registers movwf FSR movf _status, w movwf STATUS swapf _w, f swapf _w, w retfie ; ************************************************************************ ; ** ** ; ** GetRS232Byte: Waits for a byte to be received and then returns it ** ; ** in w. ** ; ** ** ; ************************************************************************ GetRS232Byte: btfsc Empty,0 ; Wait for byte to show up. goto $-1 movf FifoReadPtr,w ; Fetch byte from FIFO movwf FSR movf INDF,w movwf Tmp incf FifoReadPtr,f movf FifoReadPtr,w sublw FIFO_END btfss STATUS,Z ; Skip if need to wrap write pointer goto GetRS232ByteEnd movlw FIFO_START movwf FifoReadPtr GetRS232ByteEnd movf FifoReadPtr,w subwf FifoWritePtr,w btfss STATUS,Z goto GetRS232ByteSkip bsf Empty,0 ; Set the empty flag GetRS232ByteSkip movf Tmp,w return ; ************************************************************************ ; ** ** ; ** SendRS232Byte: Waits for transmit to be ready and then sends byte ** ; ** in w to the RS-232 port ** ; ** ** ; ************************************************************************ SendRS232Byte: btfss PIR1,TXIF goto $-1 movwf TXREG return; ; ************************************************************************ ; ** ** ; ** InitRS232: ** ; ** Initialize the RS-232 port for recieve interrupt operation. ** ; ** ** ; ************************************************************************ InitRS232: bcf STATUS,RP0 bcf STATUS,RP1 ; Select Bank 0 bsf STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 1 registers #ifdef __16F873 bsf TRISC^0x80,7 ; PORTC[RX] is Input bcf TRISC^0x80,6 ; PORTC[TX] is Output #else bsf TRISB^0x80,1 ; PORTB[RX] is Input bcf TRISB^0x80,2 ; PORTB{TX] is Output #endif bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 0 movlw 129 ; Set baud to 9600 btfss BAUD_SELECT ; Check to see if High baud rate movlw 10 ; Set baud to 115200 bsf STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 1 registers ; movlw 20 ; Set baud to 57600 movwf SPBRG^0x80 ; movlw (1<<TXEN)|(1<<BRGH) movwf TXSTA^0x80 ; Set transmit mode movlw (1<<RCIE) iorwf PIE1^0x80,f ; Enable receive interrupts bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 0 movlw (1<<SPEN)|(1<<CREN) movwf RCSTA ; Set receive mode bsf Empty,0 ; Set the empty flag movlw FIFO_START movwf FifoWritePtr movwf FifoReadPtr return ; ; InitWaitTimer ; InitWaitTimer: bcf STATUS,RP0 bcf STATUS,RP1 movlw 0x01 ; timer 1 internal 1:1 prescale movwf T1CON clrf TMR1L clrf TMR1H return ; ; Waitms ; Waitms: WaitmsLoop: bcf T1CON,0 ; Disable Timer movlw 255-19 movwf TMR1H movlw 255-(136-12) movwf TMR1L bsf T1CON,0 ; Enable Timer WaitmsInnerLoop: btfsc TMR1H,7 goto WaitmsInnerLoop decfsz Amount,f goto WaitmsLoop return; ; ; Waitus ; Waitus: bcf T1CON,0 ; Turn off timer movlw 5 subwf Amount,w movwf DelayL bcf STATUS,C clrf DelayH rlf DelayL,f rlf DelayH,f rlf DelayL,f rlf DelayH,f movlw 5 subwf Amount,w addwf DelayL,f btfsc STATUS,C incf DelayH,f ; {DelayH,DelayL} = Amount*5 movf DelayL,w sublw 255 ; 255-DelayL movwf TMR1L movf DelayH,w sublw 255 movwf TMR1H bsf T1CON,0 ; Turn on Timer movlw 5-1 subwf Amount,w btfss STATUS,C return; ; return if Amount < 5us WaitusLoop: btfsc TMR1H,7 goto WaitusLoop return ; WriteData: #ifdef __16F873 movwf PORTB #else ; Swizzle byte data between PORT A and B ; {PB7,PB6,PB5,PB4,PB3,PB0,PA1,PA0} = w[7:0] movwf Tmp andlw 0xfc movwf PORTB btfsc Tmp,2 bsf PORTB,0 movf Tmp,w andlw 0x03 movwf Param movf PORTA,w andlw 0xfc iorwf Param,w movwf PORTA #endif return ; ; Writes the character in W to LCD display ; LcdPutChar: movwf Tmp call WriteData bsf LCD_RS bsf LCD_E nop bcf LCD_E ; Save data in Scroll Buffer movf LcdY,w addlw 0-0 ; Check for 0 btfsc STATUS,Z goto LcdPutCharFinish movf LcdY,w addlw 256-1 ; Check for 1 btfsc STATUS,Z goto LcdPutCharLine1 movf LcdY,w addlw 256-2 ; Check for 2 btfsc STATUS,Z goto LcdPutCharLine2 goto LcdPutCharLine3 LcdPutCharLine1: movlw ScrollBuffer1 goto LcdPutCharSave LcdPutCharLine2: movlw ScrollBuffer2 goto LcdPutCharSave LcdPutCharLine3 movlw ScrollBuffer3 LcdPutCharSave: movwf FSR movf LcdX,w addwf FSR,f movf Tmp,w movwf INDF ; Write data into buffer LcdPutCharFinish: incf LcdX,f movlw 40 movwf Amount call Waitus return ; ; LcdWriteCommand: Writes the command in w to the LCD disply ; LcdWriteCommand: movwf Tmp call WriteData bcf LCD_RS bsf LCD_E nop bcf LCD_E movlw 40 movwf Amount call Waitus return ; ; LcdClearDisplay: Clears LCD display ; LcdClearDisplay: movlw 0x01 ; Clear display call WriteData bcf LCD_RS bsf LCD_E nop bcf LCD_E clrf LcdX clrf LcdY movlw 2 movwf Amount call Waitms return ; ; InitLcd: Initializes LCD display ; LcdInit: bcf LCD_RS ; Turn off stobes to LCD display bcf LCD_E ; Clear scroll buffers clrf Count movlw 20 movwf Loop1 LcdInitLoop: movlw ScrollBuffer1 movwf FSR movf Count,w addwf FSR,f movlw ' ' ; Replace with blank movwf INDF movlw ScrollBuffer2 movwf FSR movf Count,w addwf FSR,f movlw ' ' ; Replace with blank movwf INDF movlw ScrollBuffer3 movwf FSR movf Count,w addwf FSR,f movlw ' ' ; Replace with blank movwf INDF incf Count,f decfsz Loop1,f goto LcdInitLoop movlw 100 movwf Amount call Waitms ; Wait for LCD to power up call LcdClearDisplay movlw 0x38 ; Set Function call LcdWriteCommand movlw 0x0c ; Turn on display (no cursor) call LcdWriteCommand movlw 0x06 ; Set Entry Mode call LcdWriteCommand return ; ; LcdSetPos ; LcdSetPos: movlw 0x80 ; Lcd Set Addr Command addwf LcdX,w ; Add X offset btfsc LcdY,0 addlw 0x40 ; Odd line Y offset btfsc LcdY,1 addlw 0x14 ; Lines 2 and 3 offset movwf Tmp call WriteData bcf LCD_RS bsf LCD_E nop bcf LCD_E movlw 40 movwf Amount call Waitus return #ifdef FLASH_MEMORY_ACCESS ; ; LcdDisplayString(Param+1,Param+0) {Param+1,param+0} form 16-bit address pointer ; The string must be located in flash memory code space ; LcdDisplayString: movf Param+1,w ; Fetch low address (assume bank 0) bsf STATUS,RP1 bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Bank2 movwf EEADR^0x100 ; Set low address bcf STATUS,RP1 ; Bank 0 movf Param+0,w bsf STATUS,RP1 ; Bank 2 movwf EEADRH^0x100 ; Set high address LcdDisplayStringLoop: bsf STATUS,RP0 ; Bank3 bsf EECON1^0x180,EEPGD ; Point to Program memory bsf EECON1^0x180,RD ; Start read operation nop ; two required NOPs nop bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Bank2 movf EEDATA^0x100,w ; Fetch Low Byte bcf STATUS,RP1 ; Bank0 addlw 0 ; Check for end of string btfsc STATUS,Z return ; End of string addlw 256-'\n' ; Check for \n btfsc STATUS,Z goto LcdDisplayStringNewLine addlw '\n' ; Restore check value call LcdPutChar LcdDisplayStringAdvance: bsf STATUS,RP1 ; Bank 2 incf EEADR^0x100,f ; Advance read pointer btfsc STATUS,Z incf EEADRH^0x100,f ; Advance high order address if overflow goto LcdDisplayStringLoop LcdDisplayStringNewLine: clrf LcdX incf LcdY,f call LcdSetPos ; Goto (LcdX,LcdY) goto LcdDisplayStringAdvance #endif ; ; Main Program ; Main: bcf STATUS,RP0 bcf STATUS,RP1 call InitWaitTimer bcf STATUS,RP1 bsf STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 1 #ifdef __16F873 movlw 0x2f ; Port A[3:0],A[5] are input for A/D movwf TRISA^0x80 clrf TRISB^0x80 ; PORTB is Output movlw 0x10 ; Output PORTC[7:5],PORTC[3:0], Input PORTC[4] movwf TRISC^0x80 movlw 0x00 ; (left justified data) 8 or 5 A/D channels movwf ADCON1^0x80 bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Go back to Bank 0 movlw 0x81 ; FOSC/32, channel=0, ADON=1 movwf ADCON0 #else bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 0 movlw 0x07 movwf CMCON ; Turn off 16F82x comparators to save power bsf STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 1 movlw 0x20 ; Port A[4] is input, Port A[3:0] are output movwf TRISA^0x80 ; PORTA is Output clrf TRISB^0x80 ; PORTB is Output #endif bsf STATUS,RP0 ; Go to Bank 1 movlw PRESCALE_VALUE ; Set Timer 0 prescale value movwf OPTION_REG^0x080 bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Go back to Bank 0 call LcdInit call LcdClearDisplay call InitRS232 ; Initialize varibles clrf LcdX clrf LcdY clrf LastRS232Byte clrf Flags movlw STATE_NORMAL movwf State movlw (1<<GIE) | (1<<PEIE) movwf INTCON ; Enable Interrupts TheLoop: movf State,w addlw STATE_NORMAL ; Check btfsc STATUS,Z goto NormalState addlw STATE_NORMAL ; Restore check value addlw 256-STATE_WAIT_X ; Check btfsc STATUS,Z goto WaitXState addlw STATE_WAIT_X ; Restore check value addlw 256-STATE_WAIT_Y ; Check btfsc STATUS,Z goto WaitYState addlw STATE_WAIT_Y ; Restore check value addlw 256-STATE_WAIT_COMMAND ; Check btfsc STATUS,Z goto EscCommand addlw STATE_WAIT_COMMAND ; Restore check value goto TheLoop WaitXState: call GetRS232Byte movwf LcdX movlw STATE_WAIT_Y movwf State goto TheLoop WaitYState: call GetRS232Byte movwf LcdY movlw STATE_NORMAL movwf State call LcdSetPos ; Goto (LcdX,LcdY) goto TheLoop ; ; Process Esc command ; EscCommand: movlw STATE_NORMAL movwf State call GetRS232Byte addlw ESC_DISABLE_CURSOR ; Check btfsc STATUS,Z goto DisableCursor addlw ESC_DISABLE_CURSOR ; Restore check value addlw 256-ESC_ENABLE_UNDER_CURSOR ; Check btfsc STATUS,Z goto EnableUnderCursor addlw ESC_ENABLE_UNDER_CURSOR ; Restore check value addlw 256-ESC_ENABLE_BLOCK_CURSOR ; Check btfsc STATUS,Z goto EnableBlockCursor addlw ESC_ENABLE_BLOCK_CURSOR ; Restore check value addlw 256-ESC_SCROLL_LEFT ; Check btfsc STATUS,Z goto ScrollLeft addlw ESC_SCROLL_LEFT ; Restore check value addlw 256-ESC_SCROLL_RIGHT ; Check btfsc STATUS,Z goto ScrollRight addlw ESC_SCROLL_RIGHT ; Restore check value addlw 256-ESC_ENABLE_DISPLAY ; Check btfsc STATUS,Z goto EnableDisplay addlw ESC_ENABLE_DISPLAY ; Restore check value addlw 256-ESC_DISABLE_DISPLAY ; Check btfsc STATUS,Z goto DisableDisplay addlw ESC_DISABLE_DISPLAY ; Restore check value addlw 256-ESC_RAW_COMMAND ; Check btfsc STATUS,Z goto RawCommand addlw ESC_RAW_COMMAND ; Restore check value addlw 256-ESC_DISABLE_VERT_SCROLL ; Check btfsc STATUS,Z goto DisableVertScroll addlw ESC_DISABLE_VERT_SCROLL ; Restore check value addlw 256-ESC_ENABLE_VERT_SCROLL ; Check btfsc STATUS,Z goto EnableVertScroll addlw ESC_ENABLE_VERT_SCROLL ; Restore check value movwf LastRS232Byte andlw DISPLAY_CUSTOM_MASK addlw 256-ESC_WRITE_CUSTOM ; Check btfsc STATUS,Z goto WriteCustomChar movf LastRS232Byte,w goto TheLoop DisableCursor: movlw 0x0c call LcdWriteCommand goto TheLoop EnableUnderCursor: movlw 0x0e call LcdWriteCommand goto TheLoop EnableBlockCursor: movlw 0x0f call LcdWriteCommand goto TheLoop ScrollLeft: movlw 0x18 call LcdWriteCommand goto TheLoop ScrollRight: movlw 0x1c call LcdWriteCommand goto TheLoop EnableDisplay: movlw 0x0c call LcdWriteCommand goto TheLoop DisableDisplay: movlw 0x08 call LcdWriteCommand goto TheLoop RawCommand: movf LastRS232Byte,w call LcdWriteCommand goto TheLoop DisableVertScroll: bsf Flags,FLAGS_DISABLE_VERT_SCROLL goto TheLoop EnableVertScroll: bcf Flags,FLAGS_DISABLE_VERT_SCROLL goto TheLoop WriteCustomChar: movf LastRS232Byte,w andlw 0x7 ; Just get character ID movwf CgRamAddr bcf STATUS,C rlf CgRamAddr,f rlf CgRamAddr,f rlf CgRamAddr,f ; Set character Ram address movlw 8 movwf Count WriteCustomCharLoop: movf CgRamAddr,w iorlw 0x40 call LcdWriteCommand call GetRS232Byte call LcdPutChar ; Write the data decf LcdX,f ; undo inc of LcdX incf CgRamAddr,f decfsz Count,f goto WriteCustomCharLoop ; Go back to normal character mode call LcdSetPos ; Goto (LcdX,LcdY) goto TheLoop ; ; Normal single character ; NormalState: call GetRS232Byte ; Lame case statement addlw 256-TERM_LF ; Check for \n btfsc STATUS,Z goto PreTerminalNewLine1 addlw TERM_LF ; Restore check value addlw 256-TERM_CR ; Check for \r btfsc STATUS,Z goto PreTerminalNewLine2 addlw TERM_CR ; Restore check value movwf LastRS232Byte addlw 256-TERM_BS ; Check for BS btfsc STATUS,Z goto TerminalBackSpace addlw TERM_BS ; Restore check value addlw 256-TERM_HOME ; Check btfsc STATUS,Z goto TerminalHome addlw TERM_HOME ; Restore check value addlw 256-TERM_CLEAR ; Check btfsc STATUS,Z goto TerminalClear addlw TERM_CLEAR ; Restore check value addlw 256-TERM_TAB ; Check btfsc STATUS,Z goto TerminalTab addlw TERM_TAB ; Restore check value addlw 256-TERM_POS ; Check btfsc STATUS,Z goto TerminalPos addlw TERM_POS ; Restore check value addlw 256-TERM_ESC ; Check btfsc STATUS,Z goto TerminalEscape addlw TERM_ESC ; Restore check value movf LcdX,w addlw 256-20 btfsc STATUS,Z call TerminalNewLine movf LastRS232Byte,w andlw DISPLAY_CUSTOM_MASK addlw 256-DISPLAY_CUSTOM_VALUE ; Check btfsc STATUS,Z goto DisplayCustomChar movf LastRS232Byte,w call LcdPutChar goto TheLoop PreTerminalNewLine1: ; \n received movf LastRS232Byte,w addlw 256-TERM_CR ; Check for previous \r btfsc STATUS,Z goto TheLoop movlw TERM_LF movwf LastRS232Byte PreTerminalNewLine: call TerminalNewLine goto TheLoop PreTerminalNewLine2: ; \r received movf LastRS232Byte,w addlw 256-TERM_LF ; Check for previous \n btfsc STATUS,Z goto TheLoop movlw TERM_CR movwf LastRS232Byte call TerminalNewLine goto TheLoop TerminalNewLine: clrf LcdX incf LcdY,f movf LcdY,w addlw 256-4 ; Check for need to scroll btfsc STATUS,Z call ScrollDisplay call LcdSetPos ; Goto (LcdX,LcdY) return TerminalBackSpace: movf LcdX,w addlw 0 ;Check for zero btfsc STATUS,Z goto TheLoop decf LcdX,f call LcdSetPos ; Goto (LcdX,LcdY) movlw ' ' call LcdPutChar ; Remove character decf LcdX,f call LcdSetPos ; Goto (LcdX,LcdY) goto TheLoop TerminalHome: clrf LcdX clrf LcdY call LcdSetPos ; Goto (LcdX,LcdY) goto TheLoop TerminalClear: call LcdClearDisplay goto TheLoop TerminalTab: movf LcdX,w addlw 4 andlw 0xfc ; Snap to tab stop movwf LcdX ; Save new value addlw 256-20 btfsc STATUS,Z goto PreTerminalNewLine call LcdSetPos goto TheLoop TerminalPos: movlw STATE_WAIT_X movwf State goto TheLoop TerminalEscape: movlw STATE_WAIT_COMMAND movwf State goto TheLoop DisplayCustomChar: movlw DISPLAY_CUSTOM_VALUE subwf LastRS232Byte,w ; w = LastRS232Byte - DISPLAY_CUSTOM_MASK call LcdPutChar goto TheLoop ;************************************************* ;** ** ;** ScrollDisplay: ** ;** ** ;************************************************* ScrollDisplay: btfsc Flags,FLAGS_DISABLE_VERT_SCROLL goto DoNotScrollDisplay call LcdClearDisplay clrf Count movlw 20 movwf Loop1 ScrollDisplayLoop1: movlw ScrollBuffer1 movwf FSR movf Count,w addwf FSR,f movf INDF,w call LcdPutChar incf Count,f decfsz Loop1,f goto ScrollDisplayLoop1 clrf LcdX incf LcdY,f call LcdSetPos ; Goto (LcdX,LcdY) clrf Count movlw 20 movwf Loop1 ScrollDisplayLoop2: movlw ScrollBuffer2 movwf FSR movf Count,w addwf FSR,f movf INDF,w call LcdPutChar incf Count,f decfsz Loop1,f goto ScrollDisplayLoop2 ; Copy line 3 to line 2 and clear line 3 buffer clrf LcdX incf LcdY,f call LcdSetPos ; Goto (LcdX,LcdY) clrf Count movlw 20 movwf Loop1 ScrollDisplayLoop3: movlw ScrollBuffer3 movwf FSR movf Count,w addwf FSR,f movf INDF,w movwf Tmp movlw ' ' ; Replace with blank movwf INDF movf Tmp,w call LcdPutChar incf Count,f decfsz Loop1,f goto ScrollDisplayLoop3 DoNotScrollDisplay: clrf LcdX movlw 3 movwf LcdY return; end
file: /Techref/microchip/io/dev/lcd/LcdTerminal.asm, 24KB, , updated: 2003/9/10 11:39, local time: 2025/1/2 17:36, IN
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