This file is part of SimpleRTOS2
/*============================================================================*/ /* SimpleRTOS - Very simple RTOS for Microcontrollers v2.00 (2014-01-21) */ /*============================================================================*/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014, Isaac Marino Bavaresco All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /*============================================================================*/ #include <string.h> #include "SimpleRTOSInternals.h" #include "FlexiQueue.h" /*============================================================================*/ void FlexiQueueInit( flexiqueue_t *Queue, unsigned int QueueLength, void *QueueBuffer, int Mode ) { #if defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY Queue->ReadingOwner = NULL; Queue->WritingOwner = NULL; #endif /* defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ Queue->TasksWaitingToWrite = NULL; Queue->TasksWaitingToRead = NULL; Queue->QueueLength = QueueLength; Queue->BytesFree = QueueLength; Queue->QueueBuffer = (unsigned char*)QueueBuffer; Queue->ItemsAvailable = 0; Queue->RemoveIndex = 0; Queue->InsertIndex = 0; Queue->Mode = Mode; } /*============================================================================*/ static inline __attribute((always_inline)) unsigned int EffectiveSize( unsigned int s ) { return s + ( s > 128 ? 2 : 1 ); } /*============================================================================*/ static inline __attribute((always_inline)) unsigned int GetSizeOfNextItem( flexiqueue_t *q ) { unsigned int RemoveIndex, ItemLength; if( q->ItemsAvailable == 0 ) return 0; RemoveIndex = q->RemoveIndex; ItemLength = (unsigned short)q->QueueBuffer[ RemoveIndex ]; if( ++RemoveIndex >= q->QueueLength ) RemoveIndex = 0; if( ItemLength & 0x80 ) { ItemLength = ( ItemLength & 0x7f ) | ( (unsigned short)q->QueueBuffer[ RemoveIndex ] << 7 ); /* if( ++RemoveIndex >= q->QueueLength ) RemoveIndex = 0; */ } return ItemLength + 1; } /*============================================================================*/ #if !defined min #define min(a,b) (( a ) < ( b ) ? ( a ) : ( b )) #endif /* !defined min */ /*============================================================================*/ int FlexiQueueRead( flexiqueue_t *Queue, void *Ptr, unsigned int BufferSize, tickcount_t TimeToWait ) { register intsave_t s; tickcount_t DeadLine; context_t *p; int MustYield = 0; unsigned int RemoveIndex, ItemLength, Aux, RemainingBytes; if( Queue == NULL ) return 0; s = SaveAndDisableInterrupts(); #if defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY if( Queue->ItemsAvailable == 0 || Queue->ReadingOwner != NULL || Queue->TasksWaitingToRead != NULL ) #else /* defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ if( Queue->ItemsAvailable == 0 ) #endif /* defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ { if( TimeToWait == 0 ) { RestoreInterrupts( s ); return 0; } DeadLine = SystemTick + TimeToWait; CurrentTask->ExtraParameter = (void*)BufferSize; #if !defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY do #endif /* !defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ { /* Remove the task from the running tasks list */ RemoveTaskFromAllLists( CurrentTask ); InsertTaskInLinearList( CurrentTask, &Queue->TasksWaitingToRead ); AlreadySwitched = 1; if( (signed long)TimeToWait >= 0 ) InsertTaskInDelayList( CurrentTask, DeadLine ); ForceYield(); } #if !defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY while(( (signed long)TimeToWait < 0 || (signed long)( DeadLine - SystemTick ) > 0 ) && Queue->ItemsAvailable == 0 ); #endif /* !defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ #if defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY if( Queue->ItemsAvailable == 0 || Queue->ReadingOwner != CurrentTask ) #else /* defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ if( Queue->ItemsAvailable == 0 ) #endif /* defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ { RestoreInterrupts( s ); return 0; } } RemoveIndex = Queue->RemoveIndex; ItemLength = (unsigned short)Queue->QueueBuffer[ RemoveIndex ]; if( ++RemoveIndex >= Queue->QueueLength ) RemoveIndex = 0; if( ItemLength > 127 ) { ItemLength = ( ItemLength & 0x7f ) | ( (unsigned short)Queue->QueueBuffer[ RemoveIndex ] << 7 ); if( ++RemoveIndex >= Queue->QueueLength ) RemoveIndex = 0; } ItemLength++; if( BufferSize < ItemLength ) { RestoreInterrupts( s ); return -1; } RemainingBytes = ItemLength; while(( Aux = min( RemainingBytes, Queue->QueueLength - RemoveIndex ) ) > 0 ) { memcpy( (void*)Ptr, (void*)&Queue->QueueBuffer[ RemoveIndex ], Aux ); Ptr = (char*)Ptr + Aux; if(( RemoveIndex += Aux ) >= Queue->QueueLength ) RemoveIndex = 0; RemainingBytes -= Aux; } Queue->RemoveIndex = RemoveIndex; Queue->ItemsAvailable--; Queue->BytesFree += EffectiveSize( ItemLength ); #if defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY Queue->ReadingOwner = NULL; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* We got our item, now check to see whether there are more items and tasks wanting them. This will set up a chain reaction. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if( Queue->ItemsAvailable != 0 && ( p = Queue->TasksWaitingToRead ) != NULL ) { for( Aux = GetSizeOfNextItem( Queue ); p != NULL && (unsigned int)p->ExtraParameter < Aux; p = p->Next ) {} if( p != NULL ) { Queue->ReadingOwner = p; /* ... remove the first task from the queue's event list. */ RemoveTaskFromAllLists( p ); /* Insert the task into the running tasks list. */ InsertTaskInReadyTasksList( p ); if(( Queue->Mode & QUEUE_SWITCH_IMMEDIATE ) && p->Priority > CurrentTask->Priority ) MustYield = 1; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* We removed some bytes from the buffer, there should be room for more items in the queue, check to see whether there is a task wanting to write and if its item will fit in the buffer. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if( Queue->WritingOwner == NULL && ( p = Queue->TasksWaitingToWrite ) != NULL && EffectiveSize( (unsigned int)p->ExtraParameter ) <= Queue->BytesFree ) { Queue->WritingOwner = p; #else /* defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ if(( p = Queue->TasksWaitingToWrite ) != NULL ) { #endif /* defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ /* ... remove the first task from the queue's event list. */ RemoveTaskFromAllLists( p ); /* Insert the task into the running tasks list. */ InsertTaskInReadyTasksList( p ); if(( Queue->Mode & QUEUE_SWITCH_IMMEDIATE ) && p->Priority > CurrentTask->Priority ) MustYield = 1; } if( MustYield ) ForceYield(); RestoreInterrupts( s ); return ItemLength; } /*============================================================================*/ int FlexiQueueReadFromISR( flexiqueue_t *Queue, void *Ptr, unsigned int BufferSize ) { context_t *p; unsigned int RemoveIndex, ItemLength, Aux, RemainingBytes; if( Queue == NULL ) return 0; #if defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY if( Queue->ItemsAvailable == 0 || Queue->ReadingOwner != NULL || Queue->TasksWaitingToRead != NULL ) #else /* defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ if( Queue->ItemsAvailable == 0 ) #endif /* defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ return 0; RemoveIndex = Queue->RemoveIndex; ItemLength = (unsigned short)Queue->QueueBuffer[ RemoveIndex ]; if( ++RemoveIndex >= Queue->QueueLength ) RemoveIndex = 0; if( ItemLength > 127 ) { ItemLength = ( ItemLength & 0x7f ) | ( (unsigned short)Queue->QueueBuffer[ RemoveIndex ] << 7 ); if( ++RemoveIndex >= Queue->QueueLength ) RemoveIndex = 0; } ItemLength++; if( BufferSize < ItemLength ) return -1; RemainingBytes = ItemLength; while(( Aux = min( RemainingBytes, Queue->QueueLength - RemoveIndex ) ) > 0 ) { memcpy( (void*)Ptr, (void*)&Queue->QueueBuffer[ RemoveIndex ], Aux ); Ptr = (char*)Ptr + Aux; if(( RemoveIndex += Aux ) >= Queue->QueueLength ) RemoveIndex = 0; RemainingBytes -= Aux; } Queue->RemoveIndex = RemoveIndex; Queue->ItemsAvailable--; Queue->BytesFree += EffectiveSize( ItemLength ); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* We removed some bytes from the buffer, there should be room for more items in the queue, check to see whether there is a task wanting to write and if its item will fit in the buffer. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY if( Queue->WritingOwner == NULL && ( p = Queue->TasksWaitingToWrite ) != NULL && EffectiveSize( (unsigned int)p->ExtraParameter ) <= Queue->BytesFree ) { Queue->WritingOwner = p; #else /* defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ if(( p = Queue->TasksWaitingToWrite ) != NULL ) { #endif /* defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ /* ... remove the first task from the queue's event list. */ RemoveTaskFromAllLists( p ); /* Insert the task into the running tasks list. */ if( InsertTaskInReadyTasksList( p )) { if( Queue->Mode & QUEUE_SWITCH_IN_ISR ) return ItemLength | 0x40000000; } } return ItemLength; } /*============================================================================*/ int FlexiQueueWrite( flexiqueue_t *Queue, const void *Ptr, unsigned int ItemSize, tickcount_t TimeToWait ) { register intsave_t s; tickcount_t DeadLine; context_t *p; unsigned int InsertIndex, Aux, RemainingBytes; int MustYield = 0; if( Queue == NULL ) return 0; if( EffectiveSize( ItemSize ) > Queue->QueueLength ) return -1; s = SaveAndDisableInterrupts(); #if defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY if( EffectiveSize( ItemSize ) > Queue->BytesFree || Queue->WritingOwner != NULL || Queue->TasksWaitingToWrite != NULL ) #else /* defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ if( EffectiveSize( ItemSize ) > Queue->BytesFree ) #endif /* defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ { if( TimeToWait == 0 ) { RestoreInterrupts( s ); return 0; } DeadLine = SystemTick + TimeToWait; CurrentTask->ExtraParameter = (void*)ItemSize; #if !defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY do #endif /* !defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ { /* Remove the task from the running tasks list */ RemoveTaskFromAllLists( CurrentTask ); InsertTaskInLinearList( CurrentTask, &Queue->TasksWaitingToWrite ); AlreadySwitched = 1; if( (signed long)TimeToWait >= 0 ) InsertTaskInDelayList( CurrentTask, DeadLine ); ForceYield(); } #if !defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY while(( (signed long)TimeToWait < 0 || (signed long)( DeadLine - SystemTick ) > 0 ) && EffectiveSize( ItemSize ) > Queue->BytesFree ); #endif /* !defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ #if defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY if( EffectiveSize( ItemSize ) > Queue->BytesFree || Queue->WritingOwner != CurrentTask ) #else /* defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ if( EffectiveSize( ItemSize ) > Queue->BytesFree ) #endif /* defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ { RestoreInterrupts( s ); return 0; } } Aux = ItemSize - 1; InsertIndex = Queue->InsertIndex; Queue->QueueBuffer[ InsertIndex ] = ItemSize > 128 ? (unsigned char)( Aux | 0x80 ) : (unsigned char)( Aux & 0x7f ); if( ++InsertIndex >= Queue->QueueLength ) InsertIndex = 0; if( ItemSize > 128 ) { Queue->QueueBuffer[ InsertIndex ] = (unsigned char)( Aux >> 7 ); if( ++InsertIndex >= Queue->QueueLength ) InsertIndex = 0; } RemainingBytes = ItemSize; while(( Aux = min( RemainingBytes, Queue->QueueLength - InsertIndex ) ) > 0 ) { memcpy( (void*)&Queue->QueueBuffer[ InsertIndex ], (void*)Ptr, Aux ); Ptr = (char*)Ptr + Aux; if(( InsertIndex += Aux ) >= Queue->QueueLength ) InsertIndex = 0; RemainingBytes -= Aux; } Queue->InsertIndex = InsertIndex; Queue->ItemsAvailable++; Queue->BytesFree -= EffectiveSize( ItemSize ); #if defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY Queue->WritingOwner = NULL; if(( p = Queue->TasksWaitingToWrite ) != NULL && EffectiveSize( (unsigned int)p->ExtraParameter ) <= Queue->BytesFree ) { Queue->WritingOwner = p; /* ... remove the first task from the queue's event list. */ RemoveTaskFromAllLists( p ); /* Insert the task into the running tasks list. */ InsertTaskInReadyTasksList( p ); if(( Queue->Mode & QUEUE_SWITCH_IMMEDIATE ) && p->Priority > CurrentTask->Priority ) MustYield = 1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* We inserted some bytes into the buffer, let's check to see whether there is a task wanting to read them. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if( Queue->ReadingOwner == NULL && ( p = Queue->TasksWaitingToRead ) != NULL ) { /* Let's be practical, waking up a task that doesn't have room in its buffer to receive the next item just to deny it access to the item is not wise, let's try to find a task lower in the list that has room for the item. */ for( Aux = GetSizeOfNextItem( Queue ); p != NULL && (unsigned int)p->ExtraParameter < Aux; p = p->Next ) {} if( p != NULL ) { Queue->ReadingOwner = p; #else /* defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ if(( p = Queue->TasksWaitingToRead ) != NULL ) @@openbrace@@ #endif /* defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ /* ... remove the first task from the queue's event list. */ RemoveTaskFromAllLists( p ); /* Insert the task into the running tasks list. */ InsertTaskInReadyTasksList( p ); if(( Queue->Mode & QUEUE_SWITCH_IMMEDIATE ) && p->Priority > CurrentTask->Priority ) MustYield = 1; } } if( MustYield ) ForceYield(); RestoreInterrupts( s ); return 1; } /*============================================================================*/ int FlexiQueueWriteFromISR( flexiqueue_t *Queue, const void *Ptr, unsigned int ItemSize ) { context_t *p; unsigned int InsertIndex, Aux, RemainingBytes; if( Queue == NULL ) return 0; if( EffectiveSize( ItemSize ) > Queue->QueueLength ) return -1; #if defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY if( EffectiveSize( ItemSize ) > Queue->BytesFree || Queue->WritingOwner != NULL || Queue->TasksWaitingToWrite != NULL ) #else /* defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ if( EffectiveSize( ItemSize ) > Queue->BytesFree ) #endif /* defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ return 0; RemainingBytes = ItemSize; InsertIndex = Queue->InsertIndex; while(( Aux = min( RemainingBytes, Queue->QueueLength - InsertIndex ) ) > 0 ) { memcpy( (void*)&Queue->QueueBuffer[ InsertIndex ], (void*)Ptr, Aux ); Ptr = (char*)Ptr + Aux; if(( InsertIndex += Aux ) >= Queue->QueueLength ) InsertIndex = 0; RemainingBytes -= Aux; } Queue->InsertIndex = InsertIndex; Queue->ItemsAvailable++; Queue->BytesFree -= EffectiveSize( ItemSize ); #if defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* We inserted some bytes into the buffer, let's check to see whether there is a task wanting to read them. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if( Queue->ReadingOwner == NULL && ( p = Queue->TasksWaitingToRead ) != NULL ) { /* Let's be practical, waking up a task that doesn't have room in its buffer to receive the next item just to deny it access to the item is not wise, let's try to find a task lower in the list that has room for the item. */ for( Aux = GetSizeOfNextItem( Queue ); p != NULL && (unsigned int)p->ExtraParameter < Aux; p = p->Next ) {} if( p != NULL ) { Queue->ReadingOwner = p; #else /* defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ if(( p = Queue->TasksWaitingToRead ) != NULL ) { #endif /* defined QUEUE_STRICT_CHRONOLOGY */ /* ... remove the first task from the queue's event list. */ RemoveTaskFromAllLists( p ); /* Insert the task into the running tasks list. */ if( InsertTaskInReadyTasksList( p )) { if( Queue->Mode & QUEUE_SWITCH_IN_ISR ) return 2; } } } return 1; } /*============================================================================*/ int FlexiQueueFlush( flexiqueue_t *Queue, int Flag ) { register intsave_t s; context_t *p; int MustYield = 0; int f = 0; if( Queue == NULL ) return 0; s = SaveAndDisableInterrupts(); Queue->ItemsAvailable = 0; Queue->RemoveIndex = 0; Queue->InsertIndex = 0; Queue->ReadingOwner = NULL; Queue->WritingOwner = NULL; Queue->BytesFree = Queue->QueueLength; if( Flag & QUEUE_FLUSH_READING_TASKS ) while(( p = Queue->TasksWaitingToRead ) != NULL ) { f |= QUEUE_FLUSH_READING_TASKS; RemoveTaskFromAllLists( p ); InsertTaskInReadyTasksList( p ); if(( Queue->Mode & QUEUE_SWITCH_IMMEDIATE ) && p->Priority > CurrentTask->Priority ) MustYield = 1; } if( Flag & QUEUE_FLUSH_WRITING_TASKS ) { while(( p = Queue->TasksWaitingToWrite ) != NULL ) { f |= QUEUE_FLUSH_WRITING_TASKS; RemoveTaskFromAllLists( p ); InsertTaskInReadyTasksList( p ); if(( Queue->Mode & QUEUE_SWITCH_IMMEDIATE ) && p->Priority > CurrentTask->Priority ) MustYield = 1; } } else if(( p = Queue->TasksWaitingToWrite ) != NULL ) { Queue->WritingOwner = p; /* ... remove the first task from the queue's event list. */ RemoveTaskFromAllLists( p ); /* Insert the task into the running tasks list. */ InsertTaskInReadyTasksList( p ); if(( Queue->Mode & QUEUE_SWITCH_IMMEDIATE ) && p->Priority > CurrentTask->Priority ) MustYield = 1; } if( MustYield ) ForceYield(); RestoreInterrupts( s ); return f; } /*============================================================================*/
file: /Techref/member/IMB-yahoo-J86/FlexiQueue.c.htm, 22KB, , updated: 2016/1/14 20:16, local time: 2025/3/16 16:50,
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