Single-pole filters are rather limited (6 dB/octave slope).
For better band-pass and band-reject filters we require more poles and
zeros and thus more reactive circuit elements.
A simple solution is to connect two or more single-pole RC filters
in sequence.
If filter draws no current from filter
, the
transfer function for the combined filter is
One way to do this is to choose a large impedance for .
has more poles and zeros than
The corner frequency for a high-pass filter is and
the transfer function may be written as
For a low-pass filter the corner frequency is and
We may build a two-section low-pass filter by requiring
, as shown in figure 3.7, so that
Figure 3.7: Two-section low-pass filter.
A special case occurs when and we obtain one corner frequency but the slope of
the filter is
The results are similarly for a two-section high-pass filter.
A band-pass filter can be built from one low-pass filter and one high-pass filter, as shown in figure 3.8. The order of the filter sections does not matter as long as the impedance rule is obeyed.
If we have only two straight regions and the
band-pass frequency range degenerates to zero.
Example: Show that the magnitude of the transfer function
falls off -6 dB/octave at both the low- and high-frequency extremes.
For small
For large
And thus