The Window
object is the top level object
and represents the window of the browser. It is the parent of the objects
below it in the hierarchy list.
Window objects are either the current window (if the browser is displaying
only a single document), or those created with a
method (where the name is specified in the code), or separate frames, if
the document is laid out using a
(where the windows are named in the
element). As
the Window
object is the top level object in the object hierarchy
and the existance of the current window is assumed, most Window
properties need not be prefixed by Window.
For example, the
following two references are identical :
and would both return the default text of the status bar for the current
window. NOTE : The only exception to this is the
and close()
methods, which require an explicit
prefix (i.e.
). Windows can also be referenced by using the
properties top
, parent
or name
, where
the name property is replaced with the actual window name (as specified in
code, or <FRAMESET>
. The
and top
properties are exactly as those
used in <A HREF="..."
constructs if the windows are part of a frameset.
Window Properties
The client
property reflects the
Navigator Object
and can be used to retrieve information about the browser client.
The Internet Explorer 4.0 specific closed
has a read-only boolean value, which represents whether the referenced window
is closed (closed=true
) or not (closed=false
The defaultStatus
property can be accessed to return or set
the text to be shown in the status bar of the browser while the current document.
The defaultStatus
property is different to the
property in that the text is always shown in the status
bar. As seen below, the status
property can be used to temporarily
alter the status bar text. Internet Explorer currently set
this property as the default status text and so works as the
The dialogArguments
property returns any arguments that were
used when the referenced modal dialog window was created. Note that this
property only applies to windows created with the
method. For example, if the following is used to open a modal dialog window:
self.showModalDialog "dialog.htm", "Enter search string"
and dialog.htm
contains a text box (with an ID
attribute of txtSearch
), then running:
would put the text "Enter search string" into the text box.
The Internet Explorer 4.0 specific dialogHeight
property reflects the height of the referenced modal dialog window. It is
set as one of the features in the
The Internet Explorer 4.0 specific dialogLeft
property reflects the horizontal offset of the referenced modal dialog window,
relative to the left hand edge of the desktop. It is set as one of the features
in the
The Internet Explorer 4.0 specific dialogTop
property reflects the vertical offset of the referenced modal dialog window,
relative to the top edge of the desktop. It is set as one of the features
in the
The Internet Explorer 4.0 specific dialogWidth
property reflects the width of the referenced modal dialog window. It is
set as one of the features in the
The document
property references the
The Document
Object for the referenced window. The document object has properties
that contain information about the current document being viewed in the browser
window object. For example :
stores the background colour of the document in the current window's parent
in the variable vColour
The event
property references the
Event Object,
through which key and mouse states/positions can be determined for any event
that occurs. Note that the Event Objects supported by both Internet
Explorer and Netscape are different. Details are
given in the Event
Object topic.
The Internet Explorer 4.0 specific external
property can be used to reference the object model of applications that host
Internet Explorer. Various properties, methods and events exposed by the
host application would then be available to scripting in HTML documents being
displayed in the Internet Explorer application inside the host. Two methods
are inherent to the external
property though:
method takes the single argument of a URL which should
be the complete URL of the CDF file that defines the channel. Note that Microsoft
intend this function only for publishers pre-installing channels when
re-distributing Internet Explorer 4.0. As with the Internet
Client SDK, it's included here for completeness.
argument of the method. A scripting error will occur if the referenced channel
is not in the same secondary domain (i.e.
both have the same secondary domain) as the document calling the method.
For further information on channels and information on creating channels, download the Internet Client SDK from Microsoft.
The frames
property references the
The Frames
collection. When a document is a framed document, the individual frames
are indexed, starting at 0. So, for example, to access the location object
of the frame defined third in the
the following could be used :
NOTE : The above example uses Visual Basic Script notation (i.e. '(' and ')') to denote the index. JavaScript functions require the use of square bracket ('[' and ']').
The history
property is also an object in its own right, with
properties and methods. For more information, see
The History
Object. It represents the browsers current history list (a list of recently
visited sites).
The Netscape 4.0 specific innerHeight
returns a value representing the referenced windows viewing area height (i.e.
not including toolbars, scrollbars etc), in pixels.
Like the innerHeight
property, the The Netscape
4.0 specific innerWidth
property returns a value representing
the referenced windows viewing area width (i.e. not including toolbars,
scrollbars etc.), in pixels.
The length
property returns the number of frames in a window
object (when used under the window
object. The
property is common to many scriptable objects). For example
would store the number of frames in the window named HelpWin (which is either
a single frame, or a window created using the
method) in the variable vFrames
The location
property returns the URL of the window objects
current document (because href
is its default property). This
is actually an object in its own right, with various properties. For more
details, see the Location
In Netscape 4.0, the Window Object supports the
property, which has a boolean property of
. Setting:
would remove the referenced windows location bar. Note : This can only be done via a 'signed script'. For information on signed scripts, see Netscape DevEdge Online.
As with the locationbar
property, the menubar
is Netscape 4.0 specific and can be used (by setting the
property to false) to remove the menu bar of the navigator
window. This too requires a signed script.
The name
property represents the name of a window object. It
is read-only (that is, script functions can interrogate window names, but
can not define them dynamically)
The navigator
property references the
Navigator Object
property. See that topic for information about the navigator
When Internet Explorer 4.0 is downloading a page, it initially
sets the offscreenBuffering
property to a string value of "auto"
and it decides whether offscreen buffering is necessary. This can be over-ridden
in a script function, by explicitly setting the
property to "true" or "false". Once it has
been set (either way), it returns a boolean value, representing whether offscreen
buffering if enabled or not.
The opener
property returns the name of the window that created
the current window (via a
event). It can be used
with further object properties (such as location
etc.) to access
properties of the window/document that opened the current window, or methods
such as close()
to automatically close the window that created
the current window. For example :
would automatically close the window that created the new window. Note that recent enhancements to Javascript means that the first window used (i.e. the first browser window) cannot be closed in a script without the user confirming this (a confirm? dialog box appears)
The Netscape 4.0 specific outerHeight
returns a value representing the referenced windows total height (i.e. including
toolbars, scrollbars etc), in pixels.
The Netscape 4.0 specific outerWidth
returns a value representing the referenced windows total width (i.e. including
toolbars, scrollbars etc), in pixels.
The Netscape specific pageXOffset
reflects the difference between the current horizontal position in the page
and the pages left-most edge. That is, as a page is scrolled horizontally,
the pageXOffset
will increase, or decrease, being 0 if the current
viewing area is the left-most edge of the page. (Note
: This is similar to Internet Explorers
property, but the two are incompatible)
Similar to the pageXOffset
property, the
property reflects the same difference (of current
vertical positions) between the current viewing area and the top-most edge
of the window. (Note : This is similar to
Internet Explorers scrollTop
property, but
the two are incompatible)
The parent
object returns the current windows parent object
if the current window is part of a frame set (if it isn't, then accessing
the parent
property returns the current window object, acting
as the self
property). For example :
would store the name
property of the parent window of the current
window in the variable vStrParentName
In Netscape 4.0, the Window Object supports the
property, which has a boolean property of
. Setting:
would remove the referenced windows 'personal bar'. Note : This can only be done via a 'signed script'. For information on signed scripts, see Netscape DevEdge Online.
This Internet Explorer 4.0 specific property reflects the
return value of a modal dialog window, created with the
The Internet Explorer 4.0 specific screen
provides a reference to the
Screen Object,
for obtaining properties of the users current resolution etc.
Like the other Netscape 4.0 specific *bars
properties, the scrollbars
property has the boolean
property, which can be used to remove the scroll bars
from a window. Note that this can only be performed by a signed script.
The self
property returns the window object of the current window.
For example :
stores the text in the current window's status bar in the variable
As said above, the status
property can be used to temporarily
change the text displayed in the status bar of a browser window. It is commonly
used to set the status bar text when the mouse is moved over links in a document,
so that more explanatory text, instead of a URL is displayed. For example
self.status="This goes to the HTMLib web site"
would set the text in the status bar to "This goes to the HTMLib web site".
Note that when documents are presented in a frame based layout, windows don't
share common access to the browsers status bar, so using
in any frame based document, may not have any effect,
but accessing top.status
would change the status bar text.
Like the other Netscape 4.0 specific *bars
properties, the statusbar
property has the boolean
property, which can be used to remove the status bars
from a window. Note that this can only be performed by a signed script.
Again, the Netscape 4.0 specific toolbar
the boolean visible
property, which can remove the tool bar
from the navigator window. As with the other *bar
this can only be performed by a signed script.
The top
property returns the window object of the top-most browser
window. For example :
sets the vLocation
variable to the complete URL of the document
in the top-most browser window.
The window
property is a synonym for the current window. Like
, it references the current window.
Window Methods
The alert
method can be used to display a message to the user.
(Internet Explorer Visual Basic Script also allows the use
of the MsgBox
function to do the same, with more interaction
options). For example :
alert "Hi there, welcome to my page"
would display the message "Hi there, welcome to my page" over the current
window. (NOTE : As alert
is a method
of the window object (the top level object), it does not require the
prefix.) Also note that the message string can be a
text string, or a property of any existing object.
The Netscape 4.0 specific back
method causes
the referenced window to navigate back one URL in its history list. It's
the same as if the user had pressed the 'Back' button, or the
history object
had been scripted to cause a jump back.
This Netscape specific method can be used to forceably remove
focus from a given window object. For example, suppose you have created a
window (via
code, called 'HelpWin'), the following
would remove focus from the newly created window.
This Netscape 4.0 specific event can be used to set the
a window (or
Document) object
to handle single, or various events that would otherwise be handled by different
document elements. For example:
window.captureEvents( Event.Click | Event.DblClick)
sets up the window to capture all click and double-click events
and ondblclick
). Once a window has captured
events, you then need to decide what happens with them. The various options
element's default action is to navigate to the URL provided in its
The clearInterval
method cancels a corresponding
method (described below. The syntax is :
clearInterval (MyInterval)
The clearTimeout
method is used to clear a specified
method, by referencing it by the ID of the
method. For example, to clear the
given in the previous example, use the following
code :
clearTimeout MyTimeOut
NOTE : both the setTimeout
do not need the window.
prefix, as
they are methods of the top level Window object.
The window.close()
method closes the window specified in the
prefix, which is required. Any window can be closed
using this method, providing it is referenced either by its name
property, or by parent
, self
or top
NOTE : From JavaScript 1.1 (as supported by Navigator
3.0 and above), the window.close()
method only allows automatic
closing of windows generated by a corresponding
event. Attempting to close any other window will display a
dialog, prompting the user to choose whether the window
is closed or not.
Similar to the alert
method, the confirm
displays a message to the user, but offers basic "OK" and "Cancel" buttons.
For example, the following code displays a confirmation message and if the
user chooses OK, the browser goes to the HTMLib web site. If they choose
Cancel, then nothing happens.
function leave()
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to visit the HTMLib web site?"))
{location.href= ""}
The Netscape 4.0 specific
method allows a signed script to capture
events in pages that have been loaded from different servers. For example,
in a framed set-up, 'foreign' (i.e. not on the same server as the current
document) pages can be loaded into a frame and a signed script can capture
events on these pages. The disableExternalCapture
method would
be used to stop the capture of events from the 'foreign' pages. For more
information on signed scripts, visit
DevEdge Online
As with the disableExternalCapture
method described above, the
method can be used to capture events on
pages from different servers. It too requires a signed script. Visit the
URL above for more details on script signing.
The Internet Explorer 4.0 specific execScript
method can be used to execute script functions in a certain language.
This Netscape 4.0 specific method invokes the 'Find' window
of the browser, allowing the user to search for any text in the current document.
Its effect is as if the user had chosen the 'Find' command from the Edit
This Netscape specific method can be used to force the focus
to any window object. For example, given that there is a window named 'HelpWin',
the following function snippet :
would pass the focus to the newly created window named HelpWin.
This Netscape 4.0 specific method forces the browser to
navigate forwards one URL in the history list - it's equivalent to the user
pressing the 'Forward' button, or history manipulation through the
History Object.
The Netscape 4.0 specific handleEvent
can be used to force a different object in the document to handle an event.
Note that the object in question must be able to handle the event normally
for the handleEvent
method to succeed. The
works with the
This Netscape 4.0 specific method forces the browser to
navigate to the URL designated as 'Home' in the browser settings. It's identical
to the user pressing the browsers 'Home' button.
The moveBy
method can be used to re-position the Navigator window,
relative to its current position. For example :
self.moveBy (50,200)
would move the current window 50 pixels to the right and 200 pixels down from its current position. ('self' is used above, but any valid reference to a window object is useable). Note that it is only possible to move a Netscape browser window off-screen in a signed script. See Netscape DevEdge Online for information on script signing.
The moveTo
can be used to move the Navigator window to a specific
point on the screen, by moving the top-left corner of the Navigator to the
position specified :
self.moveTo (50,200)
would move the window to the position 50,200 on the users screen. Again, note that it is only possible to move a Netscape browser window off-screen in a signed script. See Netscape DevEdge Online for information on script signing.
The Internet Explorer 4.0 specific navigate
method is equivalent to setting the location.href
property to
a different value, in that it causes the browser to navigate to the URL
specified. For example:
sel.navigate ("")
Note : For Internet Explorer 4.0, this method is only available to Visual Basic Script.
The open
method allows script functions to create new browser
windows and load documents into them. It also allows control over the window's
appearance and size. The basic syntax is :"URL", windowname, "window_appearance")
where URL is the URL of the document to be loaded into the new window,
windowname is the name given to the new window (subsequently its
property (see above)) and window_appearance is
a comma-delimited list setting the window features. The window features are
boolean values (i.e. either '0' or '1', or 'no' or 'yes'). The features
controllable are :
window feature, which is maintained for backwards
compatibility). To produce a new shorter narrower than 100 pixels requires
a signed script.
window feature, which is maintained for backwards
compatibility) To produce a new window narrower than 100 pixels requires
a signed script.
NOTE : The window features labelled above, with
'*' characters are only supported in Javascript 1.2, as supported
by Navigator 4.0 and above. To be sure that any Javascript
functions using these extended features don't throw a scripting error (or
produce unwanted results), make sure to version the LANGUAGE
attribute of the <SCRIPT>
appropriately and provide version
specific scripts if necessary. For more information, see
NOTE : When using Visual Basic Script, the parenthesis
characters must not be used surrounding the various
methods. I.e., the method should be used as follows under Visual Basic Script
: URL,"window_name","window_options"
Internet Explorer now fully supports (from 3.02) the previously
Netscape specific format of the
method. For example : (URL,"WindowName","window_options")
where WindowName
can then be used to control the newly created
Note : Internet Explorer 4.0 supports an extra
argument to the
method - the replace
argument. For example:"", "NewWin",
"toolbar=no;...", "replace=true"
would cause the URL of the newly created window to over-write the URL of
the creating window in the history list. Essentially, it's the same as the
method of the
Location Object,
but for multiple windows.
The HTMLib Window Builder
Use the 'Window Builder' below to create a new window with whatever options
you like (only the options supported by Internet Explorer
4.0 are included):
Note : Currently, Internet Explorer will allow you to create ludicrously small windows (1 x 1 pixel is even possible). So that you'll be able to actually do something with it, the Window Builder sets a minimum height and width for the new window. Also, pressing Alt&C will close the window while it has the focus.
A note about the top and left
window options
and left
should be used with care when positioning
new windows exactly (i.e. by pixel measurements) because you can not be sure
of the users screen resolution (although Navigator 4.0 now
provides screen resizing and moving methods (see below)). Also, be aware
of a current limitation in the Internet Explorer 3.01 support
of these window settings. If the document calling the
method is displayed singularly (i.e. not part of
a frameset), then top
and left
behave as expected
and can be used to set the position of the new window, (in pixel units) on
the screen.
If the document calling the
method is a framed document
(i.e. displayed in a frame), however, then it starts to get a little complicated.
For some as yet unknown reason the top
and left
co-ordinates should be reversed, to display the newly created window in the
right position. For example if the following code is executed in a non-framed
then the new window would be created at a position x=640 pixels and y=480 pixels. However, if the same code was executed from a framed document, then the new window would be created and displayed at x=480 y=640 pixels. For the same code to work, displaying the window in the same position, called from a framed document, the code would need to be :,name,"left=480,top=640");
Just to add to the confusion, Internet Explorer 3.02 seems
to have permanently reversed the top
and left
(so that calling ...left=x1, top=y1
places the new window at a position x=y1
pixels), regardless of whether the document utilising
method is framed or single. Support of these
two method attributes is basically a legacy of the previously supported
'Explorer' object, which was supported in the Windows 95/NT4 v3.01 of
Internet Explorer, but removed from v3.02 for security reasons.
NOTE : The top
and left
attributes are not officially documented as being supported by Internet
Explorer, so should be used with care as their support may possibly
change without notice.
This Netscape 4.0 specific method prints the document in
the referenced window or frame, using the default printing properties for
the browser. Its effect is as if the user had pressed the 'Print' button
on the browser. It would be courteous to give users an option to print documents,
rather than automatically printing them from a script function.
Again, like the above two methods, the prompt
method allows
you to present the user with a dialog allowing them to enter values (like
Visual Basic Script's InputBox
method). The method is called,
defining a default value in the input box. For example, the following code
asks the user to enter a year, giving 1996 as the default value.
prompt("Enter a year", 1996)
The Netscape 4.0 specific releaseEvents
can be used to release events that had previously been captured using the
method. The syntax for releasing single, or multiple events is the same as
for the captureEvents
As you'll probably have guessed, the resizeBy
method resizes
the window from its current size by the amounts specified. For example :
self.resizeBy (50,200)
would move the bottom right hand corner of the navigator window 50 pixels to the right and 200 pixels down, creating a larger window. Note that to resize a window to less than 100x100 pixels requires a signed script.
Like the moveTo
method above, the resizeTo
can be used to resize the window to a specific size. For example :
self.resizeTo (640,480)
would resize the window to 640 by 480 pixels. Again, to resize a window to less than 100x100 pixels requires a signed script.
Be aware that you can not guarantee the viewers screen resolution, so regardless
of the imposed restrictions, use these methods with caution. The sensible
option would be to always use a moveTo
method to set the window
at the top-left corner of the users screen before performing any resizing
methods, to ensure the entire viewing area is visible. Also limiting the
maximum size of sites requiring this functionality to 640x480 pixels would
also be sensible.
The Netscape 4.0 specific routeEvent
can be used to route an event that has been previously captured using the
method. It uses the following syntax:
for example:
would pass click events to the element whose ID
property is
This specific method can be used to automatically move the user to any point
in the current window. It is similar to mid page links, using <A
constructs, except it moves the user to a position
of pixel values, rather than links. For example :
would scroll the user to the position 200,300 (in pixels). The number sequence is x-coordinate, y-coordinate.
As with the other *By
methods, the scrollBy
the viewing area of the window by the amounts specified in the values. For
example :
self.scrollBy (50,100)
would scroll the viewing window 50 pixels to the left and 100 pixels down. Scrolling to the right would only be effective is there is content currently off the screen (for example, you may have layers currently off-screen, or very wide images).
This method scrolls the viewing window to an exact pixel position, given
by the values. For example :
self.scrollTo (100,300)
scrolls to the point 100 pixels to the right and 300 pixels down.
Note : scrollTo extends the scroll
method (see above), which is still supported in Navigator 4.0 and above for
backwards compatibility.
The setInterval
method can be used to either call a Javascript
function, or evaluate an expression, after a specified time interval (in
millisecond) has expired. For example :
setInterval=MyInterval (startanim(),1000,20,100)
would execute the function startanim()
, after 1 second has elapsed
(1000 milliseconds), passing it 20 and 100 as arguments to the function.
Any number of arguments can be passed in the setInterval
(i.e. as many as are required by the function). The setInterval
method will repeatedly call the referenced function, or expression, until
the user leaves the document that contains the script. This is essentially
the only difference between it and the setTimeout
method, which
is only executed once, after the specified time interval.
The setTimeout
method can be used to execute a script function,
or access any existing object property or method, after a specified time
interval. For example, the following code section would execute the script
function TooMuchTime()
after 5 seconds :
MyTimeOut=setTimeout ("TooMuchTime()", 5000)
The time interval is always specified in milliseconds.
In Javascript 1.2 (as supported by Navigator 4.0 and above), the
method can be used to evaluate an expression, as
well as calling functions. Note that this will require using
in the
element, so as to prevent
older browsers throwing a scripting error, or not functioning as expected.
The Internet Explorer 4.0 specific showHelp
method creates an instance of the
HtmlHelp window,
passing it the URL given as an argument to the method. For example:
self.showHelp "help.htm"
would load help.htm into a newly created HtmlHelp window. Note that HtmlHelp windows are children of the window that creates them, so the HtmlHelp window will close down when the window that created it is closed
Pressing this button demonstrates the showHelp
method :
The Internet Explorer 4.0 specific
method can be used to create a modal dialog
window. This is a special window that does not release the focus back to
the window that created it until it is closed, preventing the user from switching
back to the main document until they have satisfied the requirements of the
modal dialog window (or closed it).
The showModalDialog
method is:
Variant = object.showModalDialog(URL [, arguments [, features]])
feature name | Description |
dialogWidth | Initial dialog width, in pixels |
dialogHeight | Initial dialog height, in pixels |
dialogTop | Initial vertical offset, in pixels |
dialogLeft | Initial horizontal offset, in pixels |
center | A boolean (yes|no|0|1) value describing whether to automatically centre the dialog in the screen |
font | Specifies font settings, according to the font Style Sheet property (see Font properties for more information. |
font-family | Specifies font family, according to the font-family Style Sheet property (see Font properties for more information. |
font-size | Specifies font size, according to the font-size Style Sheet property (see Font properties for more information. |
font-weight | Specifies font weight (boldness), according to the font-weight Style Sheet property (see Font properties for more information. |
font-style | Specifies font style settings, according to the font-style Style Sheet property (see Font properties for more information. |
font-variant | Specifies font variant, according to the font-variant Style Sheet property (see Font properties for more information. |
border | Specifies the border width (thick|think) |
help | A boolean value setting whether to show the '?' button to the title bar |
minimize | A boolean value setting whether to show the minimise button to the title bar |
maximize | A boolean value setting whether to show the maximise button to the title bar |
Note : At the time of writing, Internet Explorer 4.0 modal dialogs would lose their 'modality' if the file loaded caused a scripting error.
This Netscape 4.0 specific method causes downloading of
the page to stop, as if the user had pressed the 'Stop' button on the browser.
A note about window references for the positioning/moving
For the moveBy
, moveTo
, resizeBy
methods, the whole navigator window is moved or resized.
This means that if the methods are invoked in a framed document, then the
entire Navigator window is altered, regardless of the window reference
(providing that it is valid). I.e. using 'top', 'self' and 'parent', or
referencing any framed document currently in the same Navigator display window
all have the same effect. Single documents, or separate windows (created
from links, or the open
method) can be referenced by their
For the scrollBy
and scrollTo
methods, all windows
(framed or otherwise) can be manipulated by using a valid reference. However,
if the window referenced doesn't contain sufficient content for scrollbars
to be necessary, then both these methods will do nothing.
Window Events
Internet Explorer 4.0 only supports the onHelp
Dynamic HTML events. Netscape supports some of these
events for the Window Object. See the standard Dynamic HTML events for details.
Additionally, the following events are supported:
This Internet Explorer 4.0 specific event fired
before the onunload
event (see below). It has been
added with
Binding, to allow data to be updated prior to the page being unloaded.
This event handler can be used in
elements, as well as for the Window object. It is fired whenever the user
removes focus from the referenced window object. For extra details, see the
The Netscape 4.0 specific OnDragDrop
for the window object occurs when the user attempts to drag and drop an object
(typically an HTML document) onto the current window. Using various
Event Object
for Netscape, it's possible to perform script functions
whenever the user drops an object on the navigator window.
This event handler can be used in
elements, as well as the more general Window object and is fired when an
error occurs for the window, for example, the document doesn't load, or a
script error occurs.
This event handler can be used in
elements as well as the general window object and is fired whenever the user
focuses on the referenced window. For exact details, see those topics.
The OnLoad
event can be used in window objects. It is generally
used in the
element, or
elements (Netscape only) and executes functions when the
document (framed or normal) has finished loading. For information about this
event, see the relevant element topics.
This Netscape 4.0 specific event is fired whenever a
or MoveTo
method (see above) is used on
any valid Window Object, or the user moves the referenced window.
This Internet Explorer 4.0 specific event is fired whenever
the user resizes the referenced window. Content that is sized according to
the users viewing window could be resized when this event fires for example.
The Internet Explorer 4.0 specific onScroll
event is fired whenever the user scrolls in the referenced window.
The opposite of the above event, the OnUnLoad
event is used
to execute script functions when the user exits a window object (a frame
window, or a normal window). It is also used only in the
elements (supported in both elements, by both browsers). For details, see
those topics.
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